What was life like without internet and cell phones?


New member
Jul 3, 2008
I'm 15 and have never experienced that life. For as far back as I can remember people have had internet access and cell phones in their pockets. It seems to me that life would be unbearable without those luxuries.
Ahhh the good old 1960s and 1970s. God how I miss those days. We played outside (we were much more active) we talked in person instead of texting and all of that crap. Yes, we didn't have Google or Yahoo to help us with our homework, but life was much better back then. I'd do anything to go back to those days!
It was different.

More time consuming and more expensive to run a small business, for instance - the advantages that ebay and Amazon have brought are amazing.

But we talked to each other more, we looked around when we walked and I think we were more connected to our immediate surroundings than we are now, despite all our connectivity.

Oh, and you could leave the phone at home (no choice, really, it was hard-wired into place), and nobody could call you.
Well, we got by just fine, because we were none the wiser. Things definitely were more difficult. If your car broke down in the middle of nowhere you were screwed. People weren't as knowledgeable as they are now, and you were forced to embarrassing yourself by having to buy your pornography in a store. Lol!
Ahah back in the olden Days.. We used to tie letters to pigs and slap them on the butt.. And hope it reaches somebody..