what should i do, beta fish on side- help ?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
You should only feed peas when you think they are consipated.
When you changed the water, was it 100% change? If so, that shocked him. I assume your talking about a betta in a bowl...not the idea place. Bettas need heaters with temps around 78-80 degrees F. to be happy. People say bettas are lazy but I've got three, all in heated tanks and are very active! I think its the change in water..you need to get a tank with a heater and gentle filter for you fish to be happy and healthy. Right now it doesn't sound good.
my beta fish is very week right now
i change the water and the fish turned to the side flat
i give it a pea but the fish is so weak to eat the pea
the pea keeps going down when i put it in

what should i do?
before i put more water and the conditioner i the fish was kind of bended and not moveing much
i have been noteing the fish has not been much in the last 3 days
yesterday i gave him food he was very slow to get it
and today after puting in the water and conditioner the fish is going flat and then normal every 5 min i think
you're not doing anything wrong.. but it may just be your fish's time.

be sure he's at a good temperature (like 74-77), and out of direct sunlight.

betta's are notoriously lazy fish, but again, it may just be his time!!

sorry!! <3 good luck!