Sick Betta fish. What do I do?


May 13, 2008
I have two Betta fish a blue one and a red one. The blue one has always flared up more than the red one and eat a lot more. Then the red fish started flaring and eating a bit more but now it's just sitting on the bottom on one of it's sides and when you tap it with the net he swims a bit lop-sided then goes back to the ground. The tank is about 6 litres and doesn't have a filter or heater. I use Safe Guard 5 water conditioner and feed them tropical fish flakes twice daily. The temperature of the water is about 22-23 degrees Celsius. The blue fish is completely fine and is not showing any of the same signs, why could the red one be doing this? Do I let the water sit for a bit with the conditioner in it or not, I clean there tank once a week and they have a glass pane between them so they can't kill each other. Please help!
Try feeding them Betta pellets or blood worms. You can also try tetra life guard and/or coppersafe because the fish could be getting sick. I feed my bettas every other day and as much as they can eat in 2-3 minutes.