What is up with you brits?

I like Q.I. too but I think the it has changed ( for the worse) recently.
I can't believe it has been ten pages and no one has mentioned the holiest of grails that is "Allo Allo".
Yep I'll second that, if only to disagree with Keikai !

Q.I. is good, has been a bit off of late though.

Unless he was on about Allo Allo, now that is awful!
Allo Allo was probably to high brow for you pair of simpletons.
Never has there been a comedy show that has appealed to so many nationalities. Apart from "mind your language" of course.
Good Moaning. Classic!
Noo not Allo Allo can't stand it!

Blackadder now that's funny. That and anything with Ade Edmondson in.



P.s You don't get bus conductors on the roof!
Well, how about combining the two? A Blackadder episode with both Rick and Ade in.

Well then:

Ugh... I could only watch the first 2 minutes of the first video. It sounds like they were talking with a mouth full of marbles.
Its part of the joke to be incredibly annoying? I dont get it....

Half of it I couldnt even understand anyways...
Strangely enough when you make a comedy set in the trenches of the western front in 1916 where the main characters are British Officers the actors will put on classic public school english accents.
Mr Bean!

probably because its littered with cultural referances which are very 'British'

basically it rips the upper classes to shreds, which is why we love it