What is the word for a person of Jewish ethnicity who does not follow Judaism?


New member
May 23, 2013
Like for Islam this would be "Arab" yes?
Well yes, I know not all muslims are arabs, and actually not ALL jews are of jewish ethicity, just gosh dang most of them.
Oh hey, common sense prevails, one would call them an Israelite or Israeli or something like that right?
Am Middle Eastern and Hispanic and Catholic.
But does that mean am also Christian and Muslim? No.
Religion should be a choice, for who ever wants to follow it.
Religion is one, Ethnicity is another.
JEWISH answer: Islam is NOT an ethnicity. One can be a Christian, Druze, Jew or atheist and be of Middle Eastern ethnicity.

Judaism is NOT a race! Nor an ethnicity.

What would you call a non-observant Jew? A non-observant, lapsed or secular Jew. What do you call a Jew that converts to another religion? An apostate that is no longer part of the Jewish community nor part of the religion

You can change your religion and no longer be considered Jewish.

You cannot change your ethnic background.

Here's an experiment: look up photos of Yaphet Kotto, Alyson Hannigan, , Adam Sandler, Natalie Portman, Lauren Bacall and Harrison Ford

Are Jews one ethnic group? Obviously not - all of them were born Jewish.

Being born Jewish refers to Jewish law – there are responsibilities and privileges in Judaism and laws were established to determine who is a Jew and who isn’t. That does NOT mean being Jewish is a race or ethnicity.

For example: one cannot partake of communion in a Catholic church unless you are Catholic and have recently gone to confession. A non-Jew cannot read from the Torah scrolls at synagogue.

Added: actually that's a lack of common sense. Not all Jews are Israelis and there is no such thing as an Israelite, that's an archaic (no longer used) term. Not all Israelis are Jews either.

Jews are Jews - how hard is that?
No. Millions of Arabs are Muslim. The word you are looking for is a secular Jew. Although they could be messianic Jews that follow Christianity based on the way you worded your question.
They are still called Jewish, it's used as both a religion & ethnic classification.