What is considered excessive PDA?


Feb 19, 2008
my high school school states; "students are to refrain from excessive PDA at school" ..okay so imo that's anything passed pecking. so my bf and I usually give a little peck to each other In between classes..nothing more. today some teacher was like "seriously? you'll see each other in 10 minutes..my god" I thought that was SO RUDE. IM a good kid..I never get in trouble..there's nothing against in the school rules and there are sooo many other couples who practically make out.

I don't understand..do I have the definyion of excessive PDA? I always thought that would be like constant kissing, touching or making out. any opions?

me and my bf are both 17 and have been dating for over a year and we haven't even had sex!
Nothing wrong with what you did. The teacher was obviously jealous(otherwise, why care about that?). And you are right, that was very rude of him/her.