
  1. T

    Excessive screen time affecting children's wellbeing - UK report

    A sedentary lifestyle with too much time spent sitting in front of screens - such as watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Internet - is harming children's wellbeing and increasing their anxiety, according to a new briefing paper from Public Health England (PHE). In the paper...
  2. December

    What is considered excessive PDA?

    my high school school states; "students are to refrain from excessive PDA at school" ..okay so imo that's anything passed pecking. so my bf and I usually give a little peck to each other In between classes..nothing more. today some teacher was like "seriously? you'll see each other in 10...
  3. S

    Why does my SUV shake when I drive at excessive speeds?

    I have a 2004 Isuzu rodeo with a little over 102,000 miles on it. I JUST got brand new tires in december-ish, and in January my car would shake when I hit 60-70 mph so i got my tires balanced. But even after having them balanced it still shakes. My check engine light is on but when they read my...
  4. J

    How to smoothly upshift gear while driving at excessive speeds?

    (5 speed manual) The car always tends to slightly jerk forward when going from 1st into 2nd, is it because im letting off the clutch too fast? If i let off too slowly and accelerate before completely disengaging the clutch, the engine makes a drastic over revving sound. ps, a friend of mine said...
  5. K

    B2200 Mazda Pick up dumps excessive gas?

    I have a B2200 Mazda Pick up truck with a 32/36 Weber Carburetor, it dumps excessive gasoline and the truck will not burn the excess. Can I change the cam from the original and install a quarter raise, will that help me?
  6. S

    will excessive oil in engine cause problems?

    accidentally added too much oil to crankcase. ( about 3 pints ). dipstick shows level higher than topmost marking.Capacity of engine is 4.2 liters
  7. L

    Do you think people who drive at excessive speeds tend to be liberals or?

    are more of them conservative?
  8. T

    Connection Discovered Between Macroeconomic Conditions And Excessive Alcohol Drinking

    Previous studies have found that health outcomes improve during an economic downturn. Job loss means less money available for potentially unhealthy behaviors such as excessive drinking, according to existing literature on employment and alcohol consumption. A new study by health economist...
  9. S

    Can I complain to the Strata about excessive smoking? (from neighbours)?

    I live in an apartment and the neighbour who lives opposite us smokes 24/7, every 30 minutes or hour. The cigarette smell is very strong and it stuffs up the entire corridor of the floor and eventually through to our house. The smell reaches our kitchen - imagine eating your dinner with this...
  10. J

    How to fight an excessive noise ticket?

    Alright so here's a story, it's 1 in the morning on 12/31/10 and I'm driving and I get pulled over. The cop first of is very agitated yelling "what the fu*k are you thinking!" and other vulgarities and I do have a witness to testify that. He asks us are you drunk, high, questioning the ownership...
  11. T

    10 PTS... PLEASE HELP ME! How do characters in the iliad show excessive pride?

    I need help I can barely find any examples. :(
  12. R

    Will excessive DVD drive noise break laptop?

    I just got a laptop yesterday and when I tried installing Sims 2 Nightlife, the DVD drive on my laptop starting making a really loud noise and vibrating the whole laptop. It hardly made a noise when I installed the Sims 2 and Sims 2 Uni. I've heard it could be because of old discs being...
  13. D

    35 Years Old. Complain: excessive menstrual loss?

    A patient aged 35 years is comlpaining of excessive menstrual loss for the last 2 years. Whats is the diagnsis....Thx
  14. L

    Do you think a 1hr 54min 100 mile one way commute to work is over excessive?

    Lets say you make good money in your field of work. Would you ever consider driving this for 4 10hr workdays? Thanks.
  15. M

    Excessive interest in other people's sex lives: fetish, religious obligation,...

    ...or just plain creepy? Seriously. Why are religious types so fired up about who other people sleep with and how they do it? Some of them even have an opinion on how people touch their own bodies in the privacy of their own home. (Yeah, I'm looking at you, Christine O'Donnell.) Why, oh why...
  16. G

    excessive back pain after sex. could this be a pregnancy symptom ? HELP !?

    i had sex on 1st oct. and since yesterday im having back pain. could this be a pregnancy symptom ?
  17. N

    what are the effects of excessive masturbation?

    im 16 and I clean the pipes everyday, im guessing thats normal for my age group? and ive also got like these tiny spot like things under my bellend, ive forgoten the name for them, how can i get rid of them because they are really anoying, i dont want a girl to find them if u get me..
  18. P

    Excessive sweating when nervous?PLEASE HELP!?

    This is really gross, but when i get nervous, I sweat like crazy. Especially my face, neck and back. it's so gross. For example, today i had an orientation for a new school. I was swearting so much . im almost crying it's so embarrassing. is there any way i can stop this? Im going into...
  19. J

    what could be causing excessive whining in the rear end of my 1999 jeep grande

    cherokee? The whining sound has the same intensity no matter how fast or slow I am going.
  20. S

    Amplifier question excessive current draw?

    what are all the ways that you know about that an amplifier can draw excessive current, from most common to least common.