What healthy snacks can I eat in between meals at school?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
In order to eat 5 small meals a day, I have to eat twice during school (not lunch).

I obviously can't bring a plate of vegetables to school and just pull it out in class. It has to be something I can eat (or drink, such as a shake) fast and I don't have to cook or that will spoil.

I was thinking about protein shakes but that means I have to keep it in my locker, and I don't think milk tastes too good if left in a hot locker for hours.

Any quick snacks I can bring to school with me, and that are fast to eat? Or any really healthy protein bars you may recommend (low in fat, high in protein). Most of the protein bars I see aren't as healthy as they seem.

pretzel sticks w/peanut butter
nutri-grain--- not much protein (only 2g) but low in fat (30 cal fat)
apple slices
dried cereal
and trail mix can be healthy, too :)