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    5 Surprisingly Not-Vegan Snacks

    Think nuts, sweet potato chips and veggie cheese must be vegan? Think again. These packaged snacks are surprising sources of milk, milk protein (casein), gelatin & more. More » 5 Surprisingly Not-Vegan Snacks is a post from Blisstree - Get tips on healthy living, work outs, wellness & health...
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    Day Care Snacks Lacking In Nutritional Value

    Study indicates snacking is a "missed opportunity" From animal crackers to gummy fruit snacks and calorie-laden juice drinks, kids in child care are not getting the nutrition they need from daily snacks, according to a new study from Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center published online...
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    New Super-Nutritious Puffed Rice For Breakfast Cereals, Snacks: American Chemical Soc

    The latest episode in the American Chemical Society's (ACS') award-winning Global Challenges/Chemistry Solutions podcast series reports a new process for blowing up grains of rice to produce a super-nutritious form of puffed rice, with three times more protein and a rich endowment of other...
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    Any snacks out of the INSANITY nutrition guide that won't ruin my results?

    Okay so Im finishing up month one of INSANITY and I just wanted to know if you can give me some info if there are any snacks I can eat to replace one of my 400 cal. meals or one of my Food Blocks? I won't be disappointed if you tell me "No, just stick with your diet and you'll be fine", because...
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    Gross Super Bowl Food: 26 Game Day Snacks That Are So Disgusting, They’re Amazing

    We're all for splurging on Super Bowl Sunday, but between "snack stadiums" (football stadiums made of junk food), and all kinds of misuse of chicken wings, the snack food ideas that people can come up with for game day get get ugly, folks. If you're struggling with how to keep yourself from...
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    A New, Super-Nutritious Puffed Rice For Breakfast Cereals And Snacks

    A new process for blowing up grains of rice produces a super-nutritious form of puffed rice, with three times more protein and a rich endowment of other nutrients that make it ideal for breakfast cereals, snack foods and nutrient bars for school lunch programs, scientists are reporting. Their...
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    Game-Day Goodness: 7 Healthy Vegan Football Snacks That Rock

    I may be a little miffed with football and its fans*lately, but I'm still a lover of the game--and of getting together with friends to watch. But all the chicken wings and potato chips can turn a fun afternoon or evening into a gross, bloated, awful next day and season. Instead of serving...
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    No More Doritos: Top Food Bloggers Share Their Favorite Healthy Road Trip Snacks

    Road trips are awesome. Sunglasses on, windows down, and music cranked, summer is the perfect time to drive, whether you're on a quick jaunt across town or a cross-country journey. One thing that's not so awesome? The eating options on the road. Gas stations and truck stops offer a plethora of...
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    Pimp My Health: 5 Healthier Mid-Afternoon Snacks

    We all do it. Mid-afternoon rolls around and so does our hunger. For some reason, reaching for the salty, sugary, high-fat foods seems very tempting around 3 or 4:00. That could be due to the fact that our energy levels tend to slump then so we gravitate towards something quick and filling...
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    6 Simple And Heathy Super Bowl Snacks

    For over millions of Americans, the Super Bowl is one of the biggest calorie fests of the year. Not only do football fans consume a total of 11 million pounds of chips and 1.25 billion chicken wings, but the U.S. Calorie Control Council estimates that each person eats a whole day's worth of...
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    On Black Friday, Stave Off Shopping Hunger With Smart Snacks

    If you're planning to get up at the crack of dawn for those door-buster Black Friday deals, be prepared to get hit with a powerful hunger hours before you'd usually even be having your morning coffee--which can result in a landslide of terrible health choices and*regrettable*impulse buys. More...
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    breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner recipes to 1 yr child?

    my daughter is 14 months old. now she i not intrested to eat solids. which recipes she would like? at this age. plstell me in detail. about brekfast, lunh, snacks, dinne recips
  13. G

    breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner recipes to 1 yr child?

    my daughter is 14 months old. now she i not intrested to eat solids. which recipes she would like? at this age. plstell me in detail. about brekfast, lunh, snacks, dinne recips
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    What are the best vegan snacks for air travel?

    I'm doing an redeye (overnight) flight soon (the first time as a vegan) What are some good vegan snacks/meals that can be brought on the airplane? I'm allergic to sugar and try to avoid processed foods as much possible. Any tips for traveling vegans? By the way, I'll be flying on Virgin...
  15. H

    healthy snacks on the go for vacation?

    what is a great little power bar / in between meal snack that is low in calories (under 200) and i can take with me on the move to get my 5 meals into the day. high in protein would be great and low in fat
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    After-School Snacks Could Provide Kids With The Whole Grains That They Avoid

    An after-school snack of graham crackers might be one way to get children to eat more whole grains, a new study from the University of Minnesota shows. Federal nutrition guidelines recommend at least three servings a day of whole-grain foods, but previous studies have found that children...
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    What are some good, high-protein, snacks that are easy to make?

    I've tried buying protein bars but they get quite expensive. I've tried making them but it takes a lot of time to make a batch. Carrying around big lumps of meat isn't exactly easy. I just want something quick, small and cheap, a couple of options would be nice.
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    Why does my cat not like milk or milk-flavored cat snacks that I bought for her?

    I thought cats like milk and dairy stuff.
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    Why does my cat not like milk or milk-flavored cat snacks that I bought for her?

    I thought cats like milk and dairy stuff.
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    HELP ME! WEBSITE where I can find wholesale, drinks, snacks, gadgets?

    hello all who can direct me on some website that sells wholesale snacks and drinks such as Coca Cola and M & M's. thanks