What does Homosexuality mean to you?

Your reading far too deeply into this, it was a matter of literary correctness rather than a matter of view point. Those are not phrases that I would say as I am not a gay man, therefore those words would have come from another persons mouth. That was all I was saying, I was distinguishing the fact that this is the point of view of the gay community (one that I share, but again, not being part of the community, those words wouldn't make sense if coming from me)

Again, not a matter of me disagreeing with the point. Just a matter of me clearing up whose point of view it's coming from. I could remove the last part if it would help the discussion from digressing into arguments of semantics.
Ah, no, I see. The point being made is that the words you said were not specific to the gay community in the slightest. They are good words, possibly better then you intended, and they're words which could be uttered by anyone, in any community, and still be fitting.
I see what your saying now, I was trying to keep things within the limits of the board, but in doing so I lost the potency of my argument, my words where poorly chosen.
Take out the coofftopicndments about honouring god and your mum and dad and put those three in instead and you'd make the 10 coofftopicndments a hell of a lot better.
Nothing to do with the gay rights movement at all but just good guidelines for living really.
Someone once said that any religious or ethical code fundamentally boils down to one underlying principle: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If every person on the planet lived by that motto then the world would be a much happier place.
Well, not quite as straightforward as that, perhaps do unto others as you think they would like you to do unto them. Unless what they want you to do unto them is weird...

Given that we all practice MA's, I imagine many of our non-MA friends wouldn't get on quite so well with us if we did unto them as we would cheerfully have others do unto us

My, that was convoluted...
Well it did cross my mind as I wrote it that it might not apply to the BDSM crwod, but I didn't want to dilute my point by including cheap gags. Which is most uncharacteristic of me, I know.

But as a general principle it still holds good. We'll happily thump and throw our fellow MA'ers around, and be thumped and thrown around in return. But we wouldn't do that to 'the others', or expect them to do that to us.
That's a wise motto to live by.

The only drawback is that what would constitute being a bell-end to the likes of you or me is just normal behaviour to some people. They don't even realise that they are being a bell-end because they lack the ability to see how their bahaviour affects other people. Or else they can, but they simply don't care.
That's more it I think. They know what they are. They just don't care. Such people are untouchable with any coofftopicndment I think.
No, that would be asking people to hide who they are. That's not right. Homosexuality shouldn't be a source of shame, nobody should be ashamed by who they are.
I think don't ask don't tell should definitely be a law.

For everything.

I hate it when people start telling me stuff about themselves, their beliefs, what they are into or not into and I didn't even ask them. It's like they think what they believe is really important in the grand scheme of things, or even that I think it might be important. It especially annoys me when my expressions and language clearly show I give no craps about what they're saying . . . and they still go on. Sigh*

Anyways, I seriously doubt that people who are homosexual in the military are going around shouting the word every day about their sexual affiliations and trying to do a hostile takeover for a movement for rainbow camouflage. That's what I feel like people who are against the whole repeal of Don't ask Don't tell think is going to happen or something.

I follow the news from the military side a lot and the only things that ever pops up about this is service members being allowed to wear their uniform during a 'gay pride' parade to show support as service members. That was a couple months ago. I have yet to see the military having any serious issues so far. Don't know why people are still mentioning this really.
Actually I'm a little bit more forgiving of paedophiles than most people.
No one chooses what they find sexually attractive.
Of course everyone chooses how they act on their feelings so I'm still all for locking them up and throwing away the key when they touch anyone.
I don't think you can rehablilitate sexual predilictions.
I pity a lot of them really.
If you could care less, then you are implying that you have some level of care.

You have ruled out not caring by stating that you do indeed have some level of care.