What do deaf and blind people dream about?

i would assume that their brain would flash random colors across their mind's eye in a fashion similar to that of what one sees when they close their eyes.
their brain has never seen colors so has no idea what color is. you should watch discovery channel more often. they had a show on this lady born blind who they attached some electrical shit to her brain and her eye sockets to simulate activity of rods (black and white light). my recollection is that she knew what the black light was but not the white light. so i think blind people always see black. i guess when they visualize something, they see black with outlines of objects. they can still visualize distance too im sure due to interpostioning.
lp7159 you FAIL.

but back to the topic:

that makes sense. i just assumed that color would be almost instinctively engraved in the human brain.
individually no... but together, yes.
btw, i dont think this is really offensive - the only way the find out is if someone prints it in Braille, so the person cruel enough to do that is the offender.
their brains can still comprehend color and sound, they just aren't receiving the signals which trigger this. In a dream they do