What causes us to laugh whenever we hear electrical shorts?


New member
May 15, 2012
There are rare moments I can recall when I would hear an electrical short.
I remember I used to have an old Torcan fan. It was plugged into an old extension cord. What I should have noticed was that this extension chord that my dad got used to have another chord attached to it on the 2 prong plug units. There was even a little bit of copper wire that was exposed.
One night in the summer of 1989, I plugged in that old extension chord where the fan was plugged in, and all of a sudden I didn't see the blades move! I heard a sound that went bzz bzzzzz, POP! And my mother walked in and she found out what happened. I even told my Dad what happened and he laughed.

If you want to hear another funny story, I was four years old when I took a hair pin and I stuck it into the socket and it went, POP bzzzzzzz. I remember I saw fire shooting out of that socket and let me tell you, it hurt!

Electricity is something that you should never play around with, it's not funny if it shocks you, but whenever I hear an electrical short I tend to laugh. What is it that causes people to laugh whenever they hear an electrical short?
Spelling error, cord as in electrical cord, not chord as in a dominant 5th chord.