Was out at 2am and cop pulled me over, was he nice or is this normal? lol?


May 14, 2008
So I was taking a walk, (Im always at home, do independent studies.. I'm nice guy haha) lol at 2am.. I was really bored
and on my way home this cop car had his lights on, well I couldnt tell it was a cop for the first few minutes (Im near sighted so it was blurry) but I kept walking toward it then it shined that big light on me and I started laughing

So anyway I finally got next to the car and there were two officers in there, they came out and shined their flash lights at me (checking if I was high of course probably)
Were asking me how old I was, what school I go to, why I was out so late, and that if I was on probation.. they asked me if I knew it was illegal to be out past 10pm and I said, I knew you werent allowed to..
and they said I could get arrested, so I laughed and said "Ohh I didnt know you could get ARRESTED hahaha just thought it was bad"

So I basically laughed at every question because I laugh a lot and they didnt even ask for my name!
They just let me go

Were they nice or what xD Shouldn't I have been arrested or something