Video: Predators’ Craig Smith spectacularly blows empty net goal


Jun 17, 2007

Craig Smith is never going hear the end of this and he'll now be immortalized on blooper reels for the rest of his career.

The Nashville Predators forward needed to just slide the puck into the empty Toronto Maple Leafs net to put the team up 4-1 and secure a victory. Instead, the rookie accepted the pass, skated close to the net and decided to ferociously attempted to roof the puck.

His plan backfired.

While fans and the FS South broadcasters were fooled thinking the puck went in, Smith put a little too much mustard on it and his shot sailed into the stands:

Matt Halischuk would keep the puck on the ice and score an empty-netter to secure the 4-1 win moments later.

Patrik Stefan, you have company in the hallowed halls of the worst empty net misses in NHL history.

The game wasn't out of hand for Smith's teammates to begin their ribbing, especially when the poor kid had his head down the entire time officials were figuring out where to place the following faceoff. But we imagine tomorrow's practice in Nashville will see many imitations of Smith's spectacular miss.