Vacationing in Switzerland with extravagant hotel?


May 13, 2008
I had a dream where I was on the border of France and Switzerland (I know that's not geographically accurate) and for some reason, the Effiel Tower was on the French side and I got close to the border, but I didn't go over and I was on the european style streets and neighborhoods taking pictures everywhere. I ended up at this extravagant hotel and was on the balcony naked, taking pictures of everywhere outside. Across from the hotel there was a huge field of nothing, just the grass that looks like wheat but it's not and I could see the Eiffel Tower in the distance. I was vibrantly searching everywhere for a guy, not a specific one, just one that would be my love interest. I was actually somewhat happy which confuses me because I'm not happy in mt life right now and usually when I dream I'm naked, it's a nightmare.