
  1. J

    Vacationing tips! Summer 2013!?

    I am going on vacay with my best friend for 9 years in a week. I need tips!! What to pack The body Tanning products Things to do EVERYTHING!!!
  2. S

    Vacationing. Ideas for teens like me and my friends.?

    Yeah so I'm making a plan on going on vacation with me and my friends and my girlfriend and yes we are teens and our state is Pennsylvania so what would be good east side places to visit for us for our vacation? I was thinking somewhat like amusement parks and beaches I just don't know which...
  3. G

    When vacationing would you like your hotel to face the sun?

    So you can watch the sunset
  4. C

    Vacationing in Switzerland with extravagant hotel?

    I had a dream where I was on the border of France and Switzerland (I know that's not geographically accurate) and for some reason, the Effiel Tower was on the French side and I got close to the border, but I didn't go over and I was on the european style streets and neighborhoods taking pictures...
  5. Y

    Was Obama golfing, vacationing in Hawaii, or signing Jay-Z's travel papers when the

    bombing happened? Or was there another Memphis Soul cncert going on at he White House?
  6. B

    Could an American vacationing in Sweden marry a swede?

    If so, would he gain Swedish citizenship?
  7. C

    American vacationing in Northern Ireland?

    I will be leaving the US for Northern Ireland to meet with a friend I met on xbox ab 5 years ago. Im a pretty good lookin guy. Kinda promiscuous. Should I expect to find a woman who would want to spend some quality time with me? Should I stay away from certain places? Where should I go if I want...
  8. T

    Vacationing in the UK for 2 weeks?

    I'm planning a trip to England in a few years and I'd like to know the price range of this trip that I should be shooting for. I live in the US. I'm flying there, It'd just be me for 14 days, public transportation, - should I try to rent a hotel or do a cheap flat/apartment type of housing? And...
  9. C

    What would be a good vacationing spot in California?

    So, my family's planning a lil' trip during March, but we're still scouting. Any suggestions? Preferably no rain and all shine- my dad may enjoy 'communing with nature,' but not when he's all soaked. We might stay a few days, but it all depends on where we're going. It's not completely...
  10. B

    While vacationing in Hawaii you notice that the sands on the beach are...

    ...composed of black sediments. What infer? They were derived from the igneous rocks from which the islands were formed. You determine that the sediments were deposited by wind. You conclude that metamorphism has taken place. You note that cementation and compaction are taking place. The...
  11. P

    Im in need of Vacationing help!?(:?

    So, me and my friend and her mom are going on a trip to Hollywood next month. Her mom's paying for my flight, and all i have to do is take souvenir money, and entertainment money, im a freshman(15) and im in need of how to make money for the trip, how much money i might need? and what's funner...
  12. U

    Why do conservatives complain about Obama's wife vacationing at the...

    ...expense of taxpayer dollars? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of a Pharaoh or Chinese emperor would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in...
  13. P

    what would a person vacationing from Great Britton would think about being...

    ...treated in an American hospital? What would the cultural differences be in that setting and what would be the most noticable differences in care between the two healthcare systems (besides payment, of course)? Im looking more for different meanings for words, ppl from the UK not being used to...
  14. A

    Why do conservatives complain about President Obama's wife vacationing at

    the expense of taxpayer dollars? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of a Pharaoh or Chinese emperor would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in...
  15. P

    Why do conservatives complain about President Obama's wife vacationing at the...

    ...expense of taxpayer money? In ancient times, the wife of a king was treated very well with many perks. Free vacations are hardly comparable to what the wife of Pharaoh would have enjoyed. I believe more of our tax dollars should go to fund her extravagant vacations in Europe, her wild...
  16. K

    vacationing on a budget?

    my boyfriend and i want to celebrate our 3 year anniversary by going away somewhere together. we live just outside of philadelphia, and would like to go somewhere and stay in a hotel for two days, not sure exactly where we want to go, we've thought about DC, upstate NY, Virginia, and Baltimore...
  17. T

    HCG Body - HCG diet- Eating Out, Traveling, and Vacationing - May 26,2011

    Tonight well discuss how to handle Eeating Out, Traveling, and Vacationing all while on protocol. Should it be done, can it be done, and if so, how is it done... Ill discuss simple tips on how to navigate planned events during phase 2 and 3 of the HCG Body for Life diet protocol to keep the...
  18. R

    Vacationing while pregnant help?

    I'm only 16 weeks but I'll be gone for a couple days to California to help my mothers friend move back to Canada. Do I have to bring my prenatals if it's just going to be a couple of days? And also is the food safe there? I heard it's easier to catch hep c in more humid climates.. But idk. We...
  19. L

    What states would you not consider visiting / vacationing?

    Not political in the least bit, but feel free to make political
  20. L

    Vacationing On The 3rd Date?

    I think I already know the answer...but...I feel like I need some honest feedback. I'm dating a guy whom I recently met off one of the dating websites. We've been on 2 dates. We've been talking and texting every day for the past week. I'm attracted to him, we have a lot of laughs together, and...