
I remember it well, playing it on an old 100mhz 486 my dad pulled out of a dumpster.
always used to ford the river, avoiding paying the indians to take me across.

lost 3 oxen everytime, some supplies, and Jebediah always seemd to drown
we played this once a week in my class. a whole day set aside. and i dont think anyone ever beat it. every time you'd get decently far your comp would crash.
i was one of the more competitive kids. i took bets on how far i could go. i hustled those 4th graders :dodgyrun:
that game was the shit.

i remember it in like 2nd grade when all of the computers had green screens and we all fought over the one computer in the room that had a color screen.

sigh.. good times.
I was too young to really know how to play, I remember killing buffalo though and it was a blast, I played when I was like 5.
aw man that was an awsome game to play i never made it to oregon because all the poeple in my party would get some weird illness and die off...

anybody on here ever play the amazon trail?