Survey: Workout playlist. What's on yours?


New member
Feb 22, 2013
If you work out at the gym or whatever you do for exercise, what songs do you have in your playlist to give you that extra push?
Pound The Alarm - Nicki Minaj
Starships - Nicki Minaj
Whip It - Nicki Minaj
Womanizer - Brittney Spears
Rack City - Tyga
Dance A$$ - Big Sean
Turn Up The Music - Chris Brown
Thriller - Michael Jackson
Can't Be Tammed - Miley Cyrus
Party In The U.S.A. Miley Cyrus
Candy Coted Rain Drops - Soul For Real
Wayah - Amr Diab
Here I Am - Nicki Minaj
Dance A$$ (remix) - Big Sean
Black Friday - Lil Kim
Inside Out -Brittney Spears
I Am Your Leader - Nicki Minaj
Cheers (Drink To That) - Rihanna
S&M - Rihanna
HOV Lane - Nicki Minaj
Come On A Cone - Nicki Minaj
The Boys - Nicki Minaj
Clique - Kanye West
Call - Aksent
Kill Da DJ - Nicki Minaj
The Motto - Drake
Letcha Go - Nicki Minaj
Curious George - Nicki Minaj
Beez In The Trap - Nicki Minaj
Stupid Hoe - Nicki Minaj
I'm The Best - Nicki Minaj
Starships - Nicki Minaj
Automatic -Nicki Minaj
Remember The Time - Michael Jackson
Not Afraid - Eminem
Started From The Bottom - Drake
Ante Up
House of Pain- Jump Jump
You know, all those old Hip Hop songs.
I hate it though cause everytime I workout, some smooth Jazz R&B pops up like, seriously?