Sore nipples and breasts?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I'm trying to spare all the details here, but I had a baby 2/2003, no miscarriages, or complications. I breast fed for a few months. Not sure if it might have something to do with it, but my breasts are very large. I'm 50 pounds overweight. Ever since I had my daughter, I don't get my periods very often. The past couple of years, I get my period maybe 2-3 times a year. Anyhow, for over a week now, my breasts have been sore, can't lay on them, and I have to be very careful putting on/taking off my bras. They have gotten better, but now my nipples are pretty sore to the touch. I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter for a couple months or so, they were sore as well, and my nipples actually got to where they were stinging (which may be because I was swimming in the ocean). I'm a little concerned, but mostly confused. I am curious if I can even get pregnant not having my period as often as I should, which I'm very sexually active with my fiance. Thank you!