Should I get a psp, why or why not?


May 14, 2008
I know there are some good games and I heard that the vita isn't really that good so I've been thinking about just buying a PSP but I'm not sure if that is a smart idea or not. I've had watched a little bit of some lets plays on some psp but I would rather play them. So bottom line should I get a PSP or should I just continue watching some Lets Play. Also what features does it have and some good game I only know corpse party(big fan of), kingdom hearts and a few more. I like games with more of a story to it.
In my opinion you should get a PS Vita if you can. Its amazing. I have a PSP but I rarely ever use it. I would have sold it already but I don't think it would sell well. Anyway it's your choice. Take a look a the PSP's most popular games and compare to PS Vita's.