She Sent A Text Pretending To Be Someone Else, Saying She Got Hit By A Fed-Ex Truck?


New member
Mar 28, 2011
so she pretends to be "someone" else texting me. the test says i waan thank errr body for calling and please keep "tia" in your prayas. so im on the phone with someone and we say its gotta be a joke. i text back asking what happened. apparently she was on ha way to chruch and a fed-ex truck hiit her on the drivers side. to make a long story short my aunt called her on three way and sure enough she answers. but i played along still texting im gonna come see her cause ill be in town. a hour later after no response i tell her she's really full of sh** to tell a lie like that and knowing good and well fed-ex doesnt run on sunday, and she e called her on three way so we knew. she says yea she knew it was my aunt and that she sorry she deserved everything i said. i told her thats why she couldnt keep anyone because she's not about anything. ans she says she realized i was gonna stop talking to her and she got head over hills...uh yea i know lol. anyways my aunt thinks she had a motive that the lie wasnt out of nowhere, possibly she has someone and didnt wanna see me when i come in town so this was a way to escape. like i said i stopped initiating contact a week ago, she was the one who would text. i just notuced her not calling, never hardly answering and not returning my calls, i figured something was different. she was always busy but she still would talk to me. thats when i just told myself to slowly fade away, yea and she comes with this bogus story.
question is did she do it just for attention alone? i mean guys the girl was acting real distant and so i became distant. ppl usually act this way when they have something to hid. so do you think it was deeper that just attention?
yea annie i think she had someone and wanted to deny it...i would have preferred the truth. and yes im done with her!
wow who the hell does that! what motive could u have to tell someone u got hit by a truck move on shes pathetic
shes just trying to see if you really care about her, maybe she thinks you don't care about her.
I think she really likes you and wants your attention. If someone had told you she was hurt you would've Been worried and that's what she wants. She wants to know what your reaction would be.
So what's the question? If you should stay with her, and forgive her?

If that's what your question is then:

No, you definitely shouldn't stay with her or get back with her. If she's not answering or returning your calls, she's more than busy, & she might of sort of moved on. I think you should forgive her - but never forget.