Samsung Highnote Would You Recommend?


Active member
May 13, 2008
Hello. I have the LG Rumor from Sprint, and I hate it so much because it is refurbished because I dialed ##7109 and unknowingly messed up the "acoustics test" menu and long story.... Anyway, the refurbished one is TRASH!!! It is all messed up, and the lights in the keys are all dimmed/blown. So I was looking on sprint dot com today, and found they have specials and the Samsung Highnote is only 19.99. I think it looks like a nice phone. I only use phones for calling and minor texting. I really like how it can read your texts outloud for when you drive. I have heard from someone that owns a highnote that when they push a button, it takes you somewhere other than the button you pushed. Would you recommend the highnote?? IF YES OR NO, TELL ME WHY. DON'T JUST SAY "YES" OR "NO". I need EXPLANATIONS. Is there any other one that you would recommend??? I can't have the blackberry because I don't have web. Please explain your answers. Thank You!!