Question to Atheists: Do you not believe in religion or in God?


New member
Jul 14, 2008
It seems many atheists cant discern the difference between religion and God. Many atheists "reasoning" for God to not exist is that the bible cant be scientifically plausible and that they cant see God in their life. However, there is a fundamental difference between religion and God. Religion is a means to believe in God and therefore takes on many different shapes and forms yet the idea of God can be defined as the ultimate creator and not bound to any specific religion or ideology. My question for you atheists, do you not believe in the views projected through religion (regardless of which one) or do you simply not believe that an ultimate creator of reality exists?
An example would be if the matrix were real, I would consider the machines God since they serve as a creator of that reality.
Ms. Taurus ¤Blackhoof Buccaneer¤ is retarded. I never stated my religious beliefs and the fact that you cant even express your opinion without proselytizing your beliefs shows how desperate you are to prove them. Get the fk over yourself. What you believe has no inclination to intelligence as both are entirely relative.
Damn a lot of people here are retarded. Once again, I'm not fking saying anything about my beliefs. I'm also not saying that ALL atheists cant distinguish the difference but SOME cant and Im asking YOUR personal opinion on the question. Some of you cant even address the question without automatically shoving down my throat what I should and should not believe.
god exist because to everything there is a creator i will not think that the universe which its perfect will be a product of an accident. the universe follows laws it will be easy for it to be a crazy place, but its not someone had to create those laws. when god's judgment comes all of those who do not believe in god will be prove wrong even if you insult god he will forgive you because god loves us
I do not believe in God, though I will stop short of denying the possibility of such an entity. The "God of the Gaps" argument -- using a supernatural explanation for the existence of the universe in lieu of proof of some alternative explanation -- seems to be very popular among certain theists (see chickenhawk, Christian warmonger Dinesh D'Souza); I have no idea how they go from that to Jesus Christ. A deistic God could just as easily fill the "gaps." Even so, that's not a sound argument anyway because it is based on speculation rather than evidence. It is better to have no answer than the wrong answer. I can accept not knowing certain things.

As to religion, I have no use for it whatsoever.
The views projected from B.C. times? No.
Does an ultimate creator exist? Apparently not.
No, I think it is you that can't discern what atheists really believe. A generic God can't be proved to not exist, but a baby killing God that smears dung in people faces already has proved it's non existence and atheists are just pointing that out to you. You are the one who doesn't understand the difference between religion and gods, because you don't even realize that the concept of gods comes from religion. Yes, atheists are all to aware that religion is real and they know gods are imaginary. Atheists simply don't believe in any sky daddies, especially the ones in the books, because they all are obviously human creations (and hardly believable at that).
I don't believe in God. I know religion obviously exists, I just don't follow it.

Most atheists just disapprove of religion, they don't question its existence.
I see no reason to believe in any god, whether defined by a particular religion or not.
I don't believe in any god, but obviously religion is real. I don't believe in following one for myself, but I'm alright with religion in general, after all it's peoples free will to believe what they want, but I don't agree with some of the conflicts it causes under any circumstance.
I don't believe in any religion.
I don't believe in a god, but do not think it is impossible.
Lets define atheist first. Atheist means lack a belief in the existence of deities.

Your definition of atheism is wrong, since there are religions in which one does not need to believe in a deity to partake in it. (Buddhism for example)

When a religion relies on a deity for its foundation (Like Christianity for example) atheists reject that religion completely since, without it's deity, it falls apart.

I recognize the metaphors and moral lessons in many religions, but hardly do I ever fully identify to it.
I understand what you're saying. I have witnessed many debates about God where the believers will argue for the case of "God" without specifically referring to any religion while the other team will attack the religion itself such as the bible.

To answer your question, it is because I lack the belief of a personal God that I think no religion is right.
Because of what I have experienced in various churches, I have a deep and abiding amount of dislike and mistrust in organized religion.
I believe that there is a loving Higher Power in the universe, who cares about me as an individual, but I choose not to use the word God because of all the negative imagery that I experienced in churches.
I think that a lot of Atheists reject the notion of God because they see the Bible as something which doesn't make sense and so therefore because the Bible is somewhat obscure to grasp they don't believe in God. But I find it annoying that people only limit themselves in thinking that because the Bible doesn't make sense, God can't be real. And they only seem to allude to how ridiculous the Bible is so the whole concept of God must therefore be ridiculous.

But seriously, I mean everything in the universe is perfect. The planets are all aligned perfectly to the Sun. Earth is a perfect utopia for man and animals. I just don't believe that such a perfection could have come about by accident. Everything on Earth is perfect for man's survival. As if all those atoms and particles at the beginning acted arbitrarily to form the Earth. There is some Divine Will at work here.