Question for followers of Judaism and Christianity?


Apr 18, 2010
We see that G-d Almighty has given us two eyes, two ears and two hands.
Meaning that as a prudent Planner God provided us with a backup system.
Similarly, we see that God Almighty has promised holy land to the progeny
of Abraham, so that if one fails the other leads the humanity and if that fails
too, the third could be tried. Now God Almighty promised the holy land to the
righteous progeny of Abraham. He said, " Wherever your foot will fall, will
become your land. From Lebanon to wilderness and from Euphrates to
Egypt, the land will be yours."

Now immediately after choosing Muhammad in the progeny of Ishmael,
the elder son of Abraham, the land was given to Muslims and until 1917
it remained with them; until British colonists captured it and sold it to
the Jewish people.
Don't you think instead of fighting for the land, we should leave it to
God Almighty to decide to whom it rightfully belongs? Let us work
hard to obey our convents and prove our worth in the eyes of our

Muhammad Javed Iqbal
The true Hebrews left the Land Black and Returned White Your people know this.
Do you think and modern people of the land are the Biblical People ?
Don't Bet your life on it.
But your right Let Ehyah Be the Judge.
The new covenant of God is met in Jesus Christ. The law is Love, now. This land issue is simply an avoidance of the daily grace that Jesus offers us. It's time to wake up. See the Glory that Christ offers. Violence is wrong, love is right. We don't have to prove anything to God. That's like a sculpture proving itself to its sculptor! God made and knows us like the artist knows the sculpture (which God lets exist in the first place). Crazy, right?
Mideastern people are mislead from many generation. From anger they have prove they profanity. They claim that the son of Abraham is Ismail. I hope you will search more truth.
Islam is based on both Judaism and Christianity, so if they are false religions then Islam is just as false.

Try a better argument. You are claiming your faith is legitimate for it is base on the birth of Abraham's sex slave child.
There are so many foolish misunderstandings in your question.
We do not have multiple eyes, ears or hands as a mere 'backup system', we have them because they allow depth perception, the ability to work out the direction that a sound is coming from, and it is clear from those who have lost a hand that it becomes incredibly difficult to work without two hands.

If you are assuming that the Arab or Muslim population is a 'backup' for Jewish people or Judaism, you are also implying that 'Allah the all-knowing' choose the wrong people to start with!

The land was not sold to the Jewish people, but given by those who had taken control of it from the Arabs, and since 'everything happens by the will of Allah' as so many Muslims claim, this must also be in accordance with his will.
During WW2 the Arabs lost, during the 6-day war, the numerically-superior Arabs lost to the Jews, do you not see that as God's will?