Poll: Are you single and ready to mingle;)?

No. I'm a social outcast I only talk to few lucky people ;D I'm just shy :3 I have like 2 friends that get me by :)
i'm desperate for a lover, and i know a kid in school likes me. i'm single and ready to mingle, why do you think I'm posting the following...

If you post this on 1 question, you will get a gift from your crush over the holidays.
If you post this on 2 questions, you will receive the present you most want for the holidays.
If you post this on 3 questions, your crush will like you.
If you post this on 4 questions, you will be asked out this week by a hot guy.
If you post this on 5 questions, you will get 15 love letters, party invites, or dates in the next week.
If you post this on 6 questions, all of these will come true and you will have your biggest dream come true.