Pissed and Pregnant

I do enjoy listening to a bunch of guys arguing over urge rights of women as to whether they have the decision to terminate the fetus that 100% of the time they have to carry and 99% of the time have to look after. Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot some joker might have phrased the bible a little differently
Totally agree. Must admit I'm equally guilty of this on more than one occasion. It happens, it shouldn't and would be safer if it didn't but it does.

As for the drinking when pregnant It should be illegal, the child has no choice on the damage being inflicted on it, but will still suffer.

Slightly related note, I refused to serve a pregnant woman at a bar I used to work at. She and her feller went mental, saying it was her choice. I calmly explained that it was my choice to serve, and I reserved the right to refuse anyone the sale of alcohol. They really didn't like that.

I later spoke to another member of bar staff and it turned out she came in 2-3 times a week and got smashed every time.
I don't think anyone would argue with you, Moi. Its a pretty well-known dynamic that most of the Major religions of the World are dominated both by male administration and male-superior thinking. The question I have is how long do these religions think they can hide from the inevitable march of time. IMHO, I believe it is just a matter of time before we discover microbes on other worlds and how is that going to jibe with the Story of Genesis? New Sciences are continually taking "fun-beliefs" such as the "Shroud of Turin" to task. And as time continues on, inevitably long hidden secrets such as the widespread abuse reported of the Catholic Church are bound to come to the fore.

For centuries religions have been able to duck responsibility through turning a blind eye to facts, stating that they have no need of facts since they are a "faith-based" entity. Well..... it seems that this is another case of....you can run but you can't hide, yes?

Best Wishes,

I think we all have, but personally (ignore this bit if you don't want to hear about my sex life) I've had more scares through using contraceptive and them failing than I have by being caught short. Not for want of trying however, my ex was eagle eyed when she wanted to be

I'm suprised I find myself agreeing with making it illegal I would of thought I'd see it as too authoriatarian but I can't see any reason not to. Problem is how could you punish them? You can't give a mother a prison sentence and no government is going to go out and say they're going to fine new mums.
and Know what else is ironic? That pro lifers will bark up a storm about people being forced to get abortions over in China but those same people have no qualms about people being forced to continue with a pregnancy.
I don't think it is. I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect mothers and fathers to care for the children they have conceived.
So to clarify you're in favour of outright banning abortion not just refusing it to certain people who have exceeded a certain limit on the number of visits?
Hmmmm..... maybe we don't have to "fine" them. How about a special license? I have often thought that people who drink and drink heavily ought to have a special license whose issuance is contingent on them having a kind of "drinker's insurance". That license would attest that a person carried sufficient insurance to cover the damages that their irresponsible behavior might incur, up to and including loss of life.

Then again, though, you are reading a message from someone that always felt that people should have to pass a test to get a "marriage license" as well as feeling the need for a "Child-rearing" license. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

I'm in favour of removing our state healthcare for people who become ill as a result of personal abuse (smoking, excessive drinking etc.) so that fits in quite nicely. Added to the manifesto.
Yes....of course its reasonable....which is why this won't happen.

Fact is that I have crossed-pathes with people who have produced children when they could not possibly produce one other thing in their lives short of a belch or fart. I think most of the folks here on this board have pretty good heads on their shoulders....but these are not the kinds of non-thinking/non-feeling people we are talking about.

We are talking about people who may be emotionally scarred, psychologically un-balanced, borderline mentally disturbed, diseased, iofftopicture, drug-influenced.... I could go on and on. And whenever this question of limiting people's rights to do what they want comes up the same freedoms are extended to these individuals whether they can handle them or not. BION, there was a time in US history, just before WW II, when mentally disabled individuals were sterilized, and you would not believe the furor that rose over that!

Best Wishes,

With regards to excessive drinking the government should have brought in minimum pricing. In fact I'd take it a step further. I'd ban selling alcohol in super markets altogether. I'd then introduce a special debit card for people old enough to buy alcohol and mandate that alcohol could only be bought with that card. And this card would be paid for by taxing the items it's used to buy.

I doubt this would stop binge drinking altogether. But I think it would make people think twice about how much they are spending on booze.
These people are my neighbors. I'm convinced they live the lives they do because they can. They are entitled to a life on benefits. So they take it.
You can't force people to care.

You can force people to keep a child but that's a very different thing and likely to be very emotionally damaging to the child concerned.

And that's the problem isn't it?

I've got a lot soppier since I had kids; my once firm stand on the woman's right to choose has weakened in the face of the reality of holding a baby in my arms, utterly dependant on me for everything, for years.

At the same time I've become acutely aware of how providing the mere physical requirements of a child does not fulfill the obligation of being a parent. My kids will ignore every toy in the house for as long as I am able to play whatever silly game comes to mind; tickling, catch, hide and seek, jumping on daddy, whatever. Loving interaction is so much more important than anything else.

Like most things in life I think there is no easy answer.

My rectus and obliques, my choice, guys. If they're getting ripped open, it's kind of my business. LOL.
Zygote, embryo or fetus =/= child.

And it is not your place to punish someone by taking away their control of their body, no matter how irresponsible YOU feel they were.
Not exactly related...but kinda is the matter of "Welfare" switched to "Work- Fare". Here is Illinois I'm not sure how far the effort has gotten. However, I DO recall the up-roar this effort produced in our neighbor state---Wisconsin.

Seems that people who were finally forced to go out and find work were stunned to find that it takes more than a little bit of effort.

a.) Bosses actually expect a person to show-up on time at the start of the shift and work ALL assigned hours!

b.) Dropping out of High School and not having a High School diploma are not well received.

c.) Customers and co-workers are not required to put up with an attitude.

d.) Employers are not morally bound to put up with behaviors that do not advance their bottomline such as disappearing for long periods of time, water-cooler talk, playing with a cellphone and flirting.

e.) You get to work your butt off and watch the government take all sorts of bites out of your paycheck that you have no control over.

f.) Employers who care whether your kid is sick, you can't find child-care, you don't feel well or your car is on the fritz are few and far between.

Welcome to real life.

Best Wishes,

My mom drank an smoked when she was pregnant with me, an I turned out normal. No, really, I did.
And generally reasonable to only have a child when you can care for it... What value of reasonable do you choose?

If on the one hand you consider neighbours to be complete benefits wasters, would you want them to have extra kids? I mean, really? I assume they are the stereotype we're talking about for what you'd consider superfluous abortions?