Pain and popping in between my forearm and bicep?


New member
Feb 14, 2009
Hello to give you all an idea of what is making my arm hurt I'm going to give you some background as to what has happened to my arm.
Over a year ago I started working out for my first time and everything was going great. I went to work out one day ignoring that I still needed to let my muscles recover from the same work out that I had done 2 days before. I finished the work out and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning I could barely move my arm because it was in so much pain. After about 2 weeks the pain died down but was not totally gone. Now anytime I use my arm to do anything that requires me to use force my arm ends up in pain in between the forearm and the bicep. Also, anytime I make a bicep curl motion something in my arm pops. It is located directly to the right of my right arm in between the forearm and bicep. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?