Optimum Nutrition Supplements?


New member
Mar 9, 2012
i am 5'6" and 228lbs.... needless to say i have to loose some weight... im 17 and i have a trainer who i work out with everyday except Saturdays and Wednesdays. i do normally between 300-500 calories burned on an eliptical (30-45 minutes) and i do a little bit of strength training. he tol me to get gold standard 100% whey and gold standard casein. when i went to the gnc shop i didnt have enough money to afford both so the guy there recomended optimum nutrition pro complex so i bought that. insted of 2 scoops after a workout which is what it says to do with procomplex, the man recomended 1 sccop between breakfast and lunch and one after my afternoon workouts. does this sound good?? will it do the job for weight loss