name some good sci fi books / series?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
i like the mass effect games and books so im looking for a novel or book series on a similar level.
i also like alien and dead space so sci fi/horror is another thing im looking for (and i know alien has a book series)
The Caretaker Trilogy is really good
about a boy sent from the future to save the past.
by; David Klass I just finished the books, and I loved it, but be warned: SAD ENDING :(
The Caretaker Trilogy is really good
about a boy sent from the future to save the past.
by; David Klass I just finished the books, and I loved it, but be warned: SAD ENDING :(
Olaf Stapledon, "Last and first men".
H. G. Wells, "War of the worlds," "The time machine," "The shape of things to come."
John Wyndham, "Day of the triffids."
I just finished the Thrawn trilogy. It's Star Wars that takes place 5 years after Return of The Jedi...
The 39 Clues.
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flamel - Michael Scott is one of my fave series !
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has aliens in it, lol, totally sci-fi and SO much fun.
Leviathan - Scott Westerfield is great, takes place during much fun.

The Uglies series are a really good Science Fiction series. The author is Scott Westerfeld. You should definitely check them out! Hope I helped!
The Uglies series are a really good Science Fiction series. The author is Scott Westerfeld. You should definitely check them out! Hope I helped!