My hamster just died...Seemed like he was eaten?


May 13, 2008
I knew my hamster was going to die...moved slowly, eyes wouldnt open...didn't eat...well i decided to put him in his cage with 2 other chinese dwarf hamsters (he's a roborovski hamster). they always get along peacefully, sleeping together. I woke up for some reason early in the morning today. A feeling kept nagging me to check on my hamster, rather than go back to sleep. I checked and was confused to see a red item inside...I never had any red toy for them. I slipped on my glasses and let my eyes adjust to the light i had just turned on and realized it was actually my hamster, flipped over and it seemed like his belly was eaten or clawed into. I know hamsters and cannibal (eat their own baby after humans touch them and pass on their scent) but i had no idea they would eat their dead...or that's what I expect. Are they eating them? Or was this self inflicted? Also, if anyone knows, I had recently gotten this hamster at Pet Smart. They have a return policy in case it dies or we want to return it for whatever reason. Do I have to bring the body? Thank you...