My girlfriend and I are having some problems, arguing alot and never doing anything.?


May 12, 2008
So my gf and I have been together for almost 4 years, will be 4 in February, but recently I have noticed a huge decline in the quality of out relationship. 5 months ago we got an apartment together and since then I feel like everything has gone bad. I am 21 and she is 20. She is in school and I am currently unemployed (left a job so I could move here, in hopes of getting another job). A major problem is that I hate where we are living, its an apartment in the city, hours away from my family, my friends and everything I grew up with and that bothers me a fair amount. We have always fought about stupid things, but recently it seems as if we are always at each others throats. When you live together you learn a lot about the other person. I'm always wanting to do something instead of being stuck in the apartment, and I always ask her what she wants to do, or if she wants to do anything. I always get the same answer of "I don't care". That bothers me because she is strait up telling me she doesn't care, when I want her to care. I've tried to explain it to her but to no avail. Also we have noticed that we share almost no interests. I am into music big time, I love to listen to it, produce it, write it, and play it, while she has no interest in music at all. I also play video games, pretty big call of duty player, and other games and I have tried to get her to play them, but she just says it is boring, or she doesn't want to. I love sports, MMA, Hockey, etc and she really has no interest in them. I also smoke pot (don't hate on it, I don't want this to turn into an argument about that) and she doesn't. She doesn't mind that I do it, or so she says. I like to go to parties, be social even though I am very shy. While she would just rather sit at home and read. In fact, that is all she ever does now is sit on the couch and read. It bothers me because she would rather do that then almost anything else. I find her so boring now that it is almost unbearable. This turns into a lot of fighting when you share no common interests, and it is driving me crazy here. So my question is, what do I do? Do I break it off? What can we do to fix it? I'm all messed up now because of this, I can't sleep, can't eat, it's just driving me mad. Also thank you for reading all this if you did, It is much appreciated.