My Friend Was Killed In A Hit-And-Run


New member
May 15, 2008

The last time I talked to him was when he said he was coming back here so we could hang out one last time before he joined the Navy.

RIP Jonathan D. Sather
You will be deeply missed
The car hit him and he flew into the water below?

That's a pretty gnarly way to go out. Too bad he didn't live to tell the tale:(
Sorry to hear that, but I advise not posting that here, for you will get no sympathy.
I agree. I understand what you are going through. One of my best friends died in a car crash. One of the worst days of my life.
so this guy, in our military, hit 3 bicyclists, fled the scene and tried to ditch his car and report it stolen? what a piece of work. hope he rots in prison.