My ex-boyfriend is spreading nasty rumors about me?


New member
Mar 15, 2009
I broke up with him, but he's spread rumors to his friend that I do weed, and that I've slept with over 10 guys.. and that I sleep around.. I know I have to let it not bother me, But still.. It's anoying. What shold I do?
how about don't break guys' hearts when they give them to you, and therefore don't complain when he (or any guy for that matter) only wants to screw around physically, or will retaliate by spreading crap about you. i bet you broke his heart.
Guys should really grow up. Ha ha, well I for one know what it's like having rumours spread around. But hey if you don't do weed, and you don't sleep around you have nothing to worry about. Just stay true to yourself. The rumours will wear away soon enough. Maybe confronting him would be a good idea. Remember that he is just mad that you dumped him. He probably still has feelings for you!
Good luck hope I helped a little bit.
tell all your friends
make sure all your friends know this guys a loser so nobody will go out with him
then you know everyone has your back and word spreads and everyone will find out this guys a liar! and he looks like such an idiot
all i can say is try to ignore it,
dont start rumors about him, you'd just be stooping down to his level.
Confront him and tell him look I know things between were rough but come on man grow up! He is a jerk for doing that and thats childish,
confront him about it. and if he still doesn't stop just ignore it. if someone comes up to u and asks u if it's true just simply deny it. don't let it show that it gets to you, because that will make him want to make u furious even more.
he's just upset that you broke up with him and thinks hes COOL and will get you back. but by the looks of what he's doing, he ain't worth it :)
hope this helped!
set the record straight if the people you know or hang around know its not true they can let people know that bring it to them. It will soon die down. Also people will start to see because people watch your behavior.
dont worry most people do not take ex Bf or ex-gf rumors seriously as they know they are highly exaggerated and distorted

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