
  1. L

    My friend had sex before marriage now her boyfriend is spreading nasty rumors help?

    my freind made a mistake she had sex with her boyfriend before marriage, shes 14 now that they broke up hes spreading rumors that shes a slut and has stds and shes starting to cut and things are getting worse what do i do
  2. W

    Apparently we're in the 5th grade. Is rumour spreading a violation?

    I was about to message a user about a question we had both answered, and on her profile, she's accused me of impersonating her account. Can I contact yahoo staff about this or report it in some way to get someone to take a look at it? I didn't misunderstand her comment. Here's what she said...
  3. S

    Tired of people spreading rumours about me.?

    Some people just want to be heard I don't believe their crap I just lost my mother from cancer 3weeks ago. I walk into the hair salon shop a ugly ass guy has the nerves to me ugly. I sit down by myself so this ugly chick getting her hair did say the same thing. Sound like jealousy towards me...
  4. M

    My Bffl is spreading rumours about MOI! What the heck do i do?

    My BFFL(Best friend for life) is spreading rumours about me doing really bad on a test. What the heck should I do?
  5. T

    Bird Flu In China Spreading, 17 Dead

    So far, 83 people have been confirmed infected with the H7N9 bird flu (avian flu) virus, of whom, 17 have died. In Shanghai alone, there have been 32 infections and 11 deaths, according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Yesterday, the Director of the Shanghai CDC (Center...
  6. A

    drama, boyfriend, bestfriend, people spreading rumors, dont know what to do...

    ...anymore, PLEEEAAASSEEE HELP MEE!!? Please Read, I know its long but please help me.. So i have a boyfriend ive been dating for a year right, and i love him and all hes great but i have a friend that ive always had a thing for. For 3 years, even when me and jon were dating. My friends name...
  7. B

    What to do if your ex-best friend is spreading rumors about you?

    One of my best friends(not the one who is spreading rumors) sent me a message accusing me of being jealous of people, making fun of mentally handicapped people, flaunting the fact that I take AP and honor classes, calling her a whore, and losing a lot of friends because of lieing. I knew she...
  8. S

    Girl is spreading rumors about me?

    So I was at a friends party and I set my phone down. Someone steals my phone, texts a girl I was having a fight with, and says the f word to her. Now she told her friend about it, and her friend blabbed to everyone about it in school. WHAT DO I DI
  9. A

    What do I do if I'm in seventh grade and a kid is spreading rumors about me.?

    Everyone in my grade knows I like this girl in my grade named Sami. Well one day my friend was joking around and our friendship was thin. Then he just took it too far. He started to tell everyone I got her pregnant. I got mad at him and me & him are no longer friends. The reason I was so mad is...
  10. V

    These girls are spreading rumors about me that aren't true?

    These girls have been talking crap on me for weeks now and it's really bothering me. They always talk about me when they see me, and I try to ignore them but its hard. I wanna do something back to show them what they're doing bothers me but that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Help!!!:O
  11. H

    Old friend is spreading rumors that I'm autistic?

    We were once really good friends. There was this girl in my class who I called an "attention whore", because she is. He went and told her what I said. Now she constantly harasses me about it, all thanks to him. Then he stops talking to me and started telling people that he hates me when I did...
  12. J

    What to do if my bestfriend was told that i was spreading rumors about her...

    ...when i didnt.? I havent lied to her once and have never in my.life spread rumors about anything. Any advice?
  13. M

    Why is my ex girlfriend spreading rumours about me?

    We broke up almost a year ago, we were together for 2 years, she was my First love and I was hers, I loved her to death, I planned romantic things for her I would write her letters, and she could always rely on me, we broke up due To our constant arguing and she claimed to have no feelings for...
  14. T

    This girl is spreading rumors about me and I don't know why..:(?

    This one popular girl was seated next to my best friend, and I was at the bathroom or somewhere, thats not in class. And my best friend told me she said, "Hey you know that girl Lisa?" and my friend says, "yeah, my best friend." and the girl says, "yeah, well she's really weird, and is like...
  15. A

    First Lyme Disease, Now Meat Allergies: Apparently Tick Bites Are Spreading Vegetaria

    In probably the grossest news we've heard this week, new research shows that the lone star tick may be causing a rash of meat allergies in the central and southern regions of the U.S. Typically, ticks are dreaded for their ability to spread Lyme disease, but now researchers now think that...
  16. J

    How can i stop people spreading rumors about me?

    I liked this guy and then people made it into a thing like his mates said i was ugly then my friends made it worse yelling at them and evryone now thinks it was my mate that made up the lies but i don't know!!
  17. S

    What should I do? (crush, spreading rumours)?

    I never thought I'd be doing a follow up cliche' "I like this girl" yahoo question. Here's my previous question; "At work I was in the canteen/ kitchen just about to open the door and head to male changing rooms when I overheard two girls (one I may or may not fancy, and the other a friend)...
  18. N

    How do you deal with rumors spreading about you?

    Well, first off this didn't actually happen. I didn't expect this to go too far, and I expected it to fade away in an at least a few hours. So, a guy basically is telling people that I have had my mom 'touch' me sexually to apply ointment on me because of a skin problem. He's only doing this...
  19. T

    New Contagion Model Examines Role Of Airports In Spreading Disease

    The first study to model the dynamics of disease spreading in the early stages of an outbreak, looked at 40 US airports and finds the one that would spread the disease from its home city to other places the fastest would be New York's Kennedy International Airport, followed by airports in Los...
  20. T

    Alzheimer's Disease And The Mechanism Behind Tau Spreading In The Brain

    Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have gained insight into the mechanism by which a pathological brain protein called tau contributes to the progression of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative disorders. This finding, published in the most recent issue of the Journal...