My boyfriend appears interested in someone else...and I don't know if he's


Jun 13, 2008
reasonings are truthhful? He appears interested to this girl in front of his friends because he said they had this game between them that who ever catches this girl first, she'll be their prom date...

He said he pretended to go with the game because he didn't want to appear like a coward in front of his friends. His friends friends should know me and him are back together now.. (cos we had lots of short break ups)...

Anyway... the thing that hurts me was that he put through such acts for social reputation. He just didn't seem to care what I'd feel when I find out their doings. I discovered this through his facebook account.. (i know I'm in the wrong there)... When I found out, I pretended I didn't know anything about it and kept asking him things about it.. he couldn't give me the whole truth,..he couldn't say that he was a part of the game. He lied and said it was only his friends...

But he said he didn't technically lied, because at heart he isn't a part of it.. he was just 'pretending' to go with the flow.. But to me, that's very disrespectful.. because he doesn't seem to hold pride and joy of me as his girlfriend..

I really don't know what to do...