
  1. E

    Month of Return to Allah

    the ninth month of the lunar calendar, beginning with the sighting of the new moon. The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting. Allah prescribes daily fasting for all able, adult Muslims during the whole of the month of Ramadan, Exempted from the fast are the very old and the insane. On the...
  2. E

    Month of Gifts

    Sawm is fasting. It's the fourth of the Five Pillars of Islam. Muslims are required to fast during Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During the 29/30 days of Ramadan all adult Muslims must give up the following things during the hours of daylight: Food or drink of any sort...
  3. A

    Team Building This Month! Need ideas.

    I head one of our department's teams. This coming March we are going to have a team building in some posh resort. Three days and three nights. All expenses paid by our company, of course. :D I've been given free hand to do whatever I think is best for my team. I've been planning our schedule...
  4. E

    Most Beautiful Month In The Year

    Ramadan is the name of the ninth month of the lunar calendar Ramadan is a very special month for the Muslims, as in it Muslims around the world perform various types of worship, the most important of them being fasting. This fasting of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, mandatory upon...
  5. S

    My 22 month old has Bell's Palsy and she was prescribed a steriod to treat it.?

    Problem is I can't get her to take the meds. I tried using the syringe and squirting a little bit at a time in the back of her mouth and holding her mouth closed to force her to swallow it. Instead she held it in her mouth and ended up choking on it and throwing up. The pharmacist recommended...
  6. M

    survey: answer the questions according to your month of birth?

    JANUARY - how old are you?? FEBRUARY - how many boys/girls have you proposed?? MARCH- do you hate your ex??? APRIL -have you ever stolen money from your home?? MAY- do you sing and dance at parties?? JUNE- do you have enemies?? JULY- what's your qualification? AUGUST - are you single/committed...
  7. C

    Going on a romantic vacation next month?

    We are going to a great hotel on the beach. He thinks we are going because I got shifted with my summer work schedule. I have a few plans as to what we can do while in the city. Plus I got my fiance my husband a new wedding band (dressier... to go with his out of work clothes. He wanted a simple...
  8. A

    Hi got a flowerhorn one month before,,, Need to know wat type of FH actually it is?

    Shop keeper told me actually it belongs to Kamfa type and purchased it for rs1900. Really its a good deal. the FH is only four months old having a nice hump with red colour on half of the body and having thick dark marks over the second half rounded up with green outline.
  9. L

    Is it possible to suspend a gym membership for a month?

    I'm traveling overseas for a month and won't be attending the gym. Is it possible to suspend my membership for the month I won't be using it.
  10. A

    Model Caprice Bourret Is Expecting Two Babies A Month Apart And Yes This Is Scientifi

    Caprice Bourret has hit the fertility sweepstakes. She may not be expecting triplets via IVF giveaways, but at age 41, she is pregnant with her first child after struggling with infertility. And she has another kid on the way too. More » Model Caprice Bourret Is Expecting Two Babies A Month...
  11. R

    Can you purchase one month of T-Mobile service or only a year's worth?

    For the iphone 4 can you only purchase one year's worth of service or one month each month
  12. V

    How much will it cost for a iphone family plan for 3 people per month?

    Specifically a iphone 4s and for At&t thanks ! ?
  13. V

    How much will it cost for a iphone family plan for 3 people per month?

    Specifically a iphone 4s and for At&t thanks ! ? awnser
  14. C

    I've been coughing for a month?

    It's not a overly serious cough, but this has been going on for about 3 weeks to a month. Should I go to the doctor(I'm only 17 though, so I need to go with someone)? I also have a runny nose for about a week but that's probably allergies, I don't think the cough is part of allergies though
  15. L

    How many apps will I sell a month if I make a decent $1 app for android?

    (please tell me dollar or sales amount)
  16. C

    I bought a mobile phone charger a month ago and it id not charging my... properly..? My last one lasted 6 months and I was screwing over that (I thought it would last much longer, at least a year). Pls advise..
  17. C

    I bought a mobile phone charger a month ago and it id not charging my... properly..? My last one lasted 6 months and I was screwing over that (I thought it would last much longer, at least a year). Pls advise..
  18. H

    what to feed my 14 month old son when out 4 a vacation?

    we will be staying at a hotel and travelling a lot too so shud i take provisions n cook 4 him there or keep him on fruits n ceralac
  19. A

    How many clothes to pack for one month vacation?

    So I am going away to Hawaii for one month this summer and am not sure how many t-shirts and shorts to pack? I will have access to washing facilities... T-shirts: Shorts: Etc:
  20. J

    ALT's, Billiruben, and an 8 month old. What can I do?

    My son who is now 8 months old was 6 week premature. It all stated about 3 months ago when his pcp did a urinalysis because he spiked a fever out of no where one day ( he does have kidney reflux in both kidneys). In that urinalysis they discovered billiruben in his urine (she said she didn't...