man seeking woman?? personality included?


New member
Jul 27, 2008
I am 20 yrs old and looking for a special lady email me at
[email protected] if you want

my personality

Agreeableness(Taking care of other and taking care of myself)

I am important. So are other people, especially if they are in trouble. I have a tender heart, but I know how to establish and keep personal boundaries. I am empathetic and compassionate, but I also believe that it's best if people solve their own problems and learn to take care of themselves, if they are able.

I am deeply moved by the needs of others, but I know that if I don't take good care of yourself, I'll wind up being of no use to anyone. So mine is a thoughtful compassion. I strive to be fair and sensible, taking care of others while also taking care of myself.

When someone really is in trouble, I like to collaborate with them toward a solution; they do their part, I do mine. I consider carefully, and respond in a sensible way; they do their part, and together I move through the difficulty.

I seldom act impulsively; rather, when a problem arises, I take my time to think through the situation. This contemplative quality ensure I'll arrive at a diplomatic solution, one that's fair for the other person and also fair to me. It's frequently a win/win situation.

Openess(Sometimes curious, sometimes content)

Like someone who can sleep comfortably on either side of the bed, I tend to be equally at home with ideas and beliefs that I have held for a long time and with new ways of thinking and believing that grow out of my intellectual curiosity.

My sense of who I am and what my place is in the world around me rests on values and principles that are the solid ground I walk upon. I've tested them, and they work for me, and much of the time I am content to trust them, that is, until some provocative new idea slips in from a conversation, book or some flight of your active imagination. "Hmmmm. What's this. Never thought of it before." And off I go, exploring.

I love to learn, I've always been teachable; I absorb new information, which means I are well-educated in things that matter to me. Sometimes my intellectual exploring will lead me back to where I started; the "next new thing" proves too shallow or impractical to me. But once in a while a new idea or belief will dislodge me from the ground I've stood upon; it is so compelling and persuasive that I sometimes step away from the tried-and-true and embrace this notion that is brand new.

I hold both solid beliefs and open to new ideas, I am accepting of other people and other ways of thinking and believing. I am flexible enough to listen to something new and different, or something outside of my comfort zone; if it works for me, I'll take it in, and if not, I'll let it go. In this sense, I know who I am: I guess you could say I am neither closed-minded nor wildly open-minded, but walk somewhere near the middle of the intellectual road.

Emotional Stability(Responsive)

I would say that I am an emotional person. Think about it though, we are all emotional; we feel joy, anger, sadness and fear; some of us more powerfully than others - and I say I am more powerfully than most. My emotions are closer to the surface, and my feelings more obvious to me than is the case with most people. I've got my life in a good place, My dominant mood is upbeat, and unless life has been particularly trying for me, I greatly enjoy the richness and intensity of life that being so open with my emotions brings me .

Sure there are times when my feelings come very close to the surface, and life becomes more complicated. At these times I may grow self-conscious, or feel a bit anxious. But all in all, I much prefer being open with my emotions, breathing in all that life offers, than shutting down any part of my emotional experience. Granted, there may be times when these emotions are hard but I realize that is part of life. And more often than not I feel enriched by my emotions, by my ability to be open to all that life brings me. I know that even when I have those times that get me down, there will be even more times when I see life in ways that others just can't.

Conscientiousness(Focused and Flexible)

When I take on a task at work or at home, I am reliable; I get the job done. In an organized way, I define the goal, lay out a plan, figure how long the task will take, and get to work "solid and dependable".

But and this is important I'm not a slave to the plan. I'm committed to it, but not chained to it; the connection is more casual and informal. I know that sometimes "the best laid plans" fall off the tracks; when this happens, I clean up the train wreck and start over, undeterred!

Though not happening often, when plans change, I'm okay with it. In fact, sometimes I myself change the plan. It's too nice of a Saturday to finish organizing the garage. Let's go for a bike ride instead or grab a cup of coffee. True, the next rainy Saturday will likely find me b