Isn't it sad that most of the world governments are working against Christ?


New member
Feb 8, 2013
When the state is not informed by the Church on what laws are moral, then morality becomes subjective to the state. Such an effect will have laws ending in abortion, gay "marriage", euthanasia, divorce, rampant pornography, un-Catholic economic systems, attacks on the family via social programs, etc. We definitely see these effects today in our modern world which is slipping further and further away from God and sliding into the anti-Christ.
This message contains a good list of immoral government actions but for some reason it fails to mention one of the most sick and evil;WAR.:mad:
It does appear that we are moving farther and farther away from God: We seem to be willing to make anything permissible just for the sake of liberalism. Soon, there won't be any such thing as right and wrong anymore.
Separation of church and state is non negotiable. Just because we're sucking less of god's d*ck doesn't mean anti christ anything. As far as morals go, we don't need god to do the right thing. Abortion should be an option for those who rightfully could use it. Say a 13 year old girl gets raped and ends up pregnant then a doctor concludes that if she gives birth she will almost definitely died. Is it morally just to let that girl die while giving birth to a baby that was conceived during a disgusting criminal offense? Gay marriage... get over it you stupid homophobe. Euthanasia should be a choice made the hospital patient and their family. People have the right to live, and the right to die, and if someone is terminally ill with no chance of survival, it doesn't make a lot of sense to keep them around and force them to suffer. That is what hell is supposedly for. Obviously you've never had to watch someone you love die.

The separation of church and state gives us the right to choice. Which as far as I'm concerned, anyone can choose to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't violent any real world laws. If we all followed the teachings of the church 100% seriously you would get killed next time you mow your law on a Sunday.
When the state IS informed by the Church, that implicitly also gives the state potential influence over the Church. That's why the separation of Church and State is good, in the long run, for both parties.

Anyone who thinks that state control over religion is a good thing, lacks imagination.
Ephesians 6:11-13 NASB

Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

yeah, shame how people are gaining respect for others. goes against your cult's long history of torture, genocide, misosgyny, racism and homophobia

such savage barbarians you zombie cultists are. so mired in blood and hatred
Thank you for admitting Christians keep butting into government. This is a good example for the questions, "Why do atheists care?!" questions.
sorry to burst your bubble, but the bible is flawed in way to many ways and way to many places. i mean the book even contadicts itself!! Jesus "was" a gigantic problem for the romans. yet not a single word witten by them about him. Hmmmmm....
oh grow up! the church is the least moral organization on the planet after islam.
It's sad that you see it that way. Working toward secular goals is not "anti" anything. It's just not necessarily Christian - for which I am eternally grateful.
There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism. The reason for the confusion is because of infiltration. The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge, had a completely different idea of a New World Order.

This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles

The Jewish NWO is a world slave state, headed and run by the Jews. This NWO is the exact opposite of what was intended by the original Freemasons who were Gentiles

The Jewish people have succeeded in deceiving the Gentile people into cursing and blaspheming our True Creator God for centuries. The word "Satan" means "enemy" and "adversary" in Hebrew. Everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible has been stolen from Gentile Pagan religions predating Judaism from hundreds to thousands of years. The Jews cannot create. They have successfully and forcefully removed occult/spiritual knowledge and power from the Gentiles using the Christian Church as their primary tool.

What the Jewish program of Christianity has done:
?Removed all spiritual and occult knowledge from the Gentile populace of wherever it took root, placing the Gentiles at the mercy of powerful spiritual powers directed by the Jews; namely "Black Magick." The Jews have been using black magick against the Gentiles who have been powerless to fight back, for centuries.
?A false history was invented and lies were forced on the Gentile populace in whatever regions it took hold.
?The Vatican removed the ancient texts of Gentile peoples and replaced them with the Christian religion- a false Jewish messiah, a false Jewish "god," and Jewish angels. With the Jewish goal of world dominance, this comes when their messiah appears. The psychic energy of Christians in fervent prayer to their pseudo-savior the Nazarene who, like the Jewish messiah is supposed to "come again" is channeled into making the Jewish messiah a reality. Rewriting of history is also prevalent in the schools these days.
?Gentile religious leaders were savagely tortured and murdered. Those who had any knowledge were hunted down as "witches" and murdered by the Inquisition.
?The Gentile Gods and namely the True creator God Ea (The one known as "Satan") were cursed and labeled as Demons and "evil"; monsters. In today's Jewish run media, our Aryan Gods are ridiculed and defamed as spooks and ghouls, and made to look like buffoons, red with horns or hideous looking; out to "possess" people's souls at the mere thought of them and take control of their minds.
?Gentile celebrations and practices are labeled as "evil," anything that has to do with gentile culture, namely Aryan Culture. The Feast of Beltane, which originally was celebrated on the eve of May 1, was further blasphemed by the May Day celebrations of Jewish communism (which is outlined and implemented in the Judeo/Christian bible from beginning to end). May 1st is a powerful date as the earth is aligned to specific energies where certain rituals and actions have more power. This has been a tactic of the Jewish people- to add blasphemy against our Gods by instituting their death dealing programs and celebrating them on traditional Pagan holidays, no different than the Catholic Church replacing Pagan holidays with their false and stolen twisted garbage. This date was maligned as "evil" again, and like our Samhain, of "the Devil" to keep the deluded Christian masses as far from their religious roots as possible, again, using fear to control the human mind and blasphemous denigration against our Gods.
It is very sad and worrying that Christians are not making a stand to champion the truth of the Bible by working to ensure that laws created in the justice system that were New Testament based since they were first established are upheld and not changed in the days in which we live. It takes good men to do nothing for evil to triumph.
It was predicted before "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed" Psalm 2:2