Is this workout good, and general word out questions. (I'm a newbie)?


New member
May 4, 2012

I've decided that I need to get into shape.

First of all, i'm about 5"12 at about 193 pounds

I have 20lb dumbbells.

I've been doing 20 dumbbell curls 3-4 times a day. Once in the morning before school, once when I get back, and two around 9 before I shower. Would that help me gain strength, or do I need to do the reps within one workout?

Also, i've been taking my dog out on a walk about a mile each day, and plan to do two soon. I also plan on starting to run hopefully in 3-4 weeks.

I've also been watching what I eat, cereal in the morning, turkey sandwich at lunch, and some kind of meat based meal for dinner.

Please give me recommendations on workouts I can do with my 20lb dumbbells.

Also, I've heard that a day after a workout, one should rest a day before doing another workout. If so, can I do chest/arms one day, than legs the other. Any god leg dumbbell workouts?

Also, would a maybe $50 bench press on be a good beginner purchase so I can maximize my dumbbell workout?