Is the present human species more appropriately called ‘homo-superstitious’?


May 20, 2008
The next human species will be called ‘homo-logical,’ because this will be when humans have evolved to the next level of consciousness and will have left behind the primitive era of gods, holy books, afterlife scenarios and other superstitious nonsense, right?
NO. There probably won't be another human species, so your question is moot (and superstitious) to believe that such a thing might happen as that.
Hm. Well, as Christian, I point out that you have no more proof for your point of view than I have for mine.

Also, that people have done just fine at hating and persecuting each other without the influence of religion (familiar with the history of communist countries at all?). That is a human urge, and one we have to overcome if we're to make any sort of progress.

The seat of the problem isn't religion, which can also be a civilizing influence (you have problems perhaps with the idea of forgiving others or caring for the poor?). The problem is that too many people take time from their busy days to intimidate, abuse, be rude and thoughtless to, take advantage of other people.

So, no, not right. There is nonsense in plenty, but that is not necessarily where it is.
I doubt it in this new generation which i'm apart of( im 18) more and more people are getting saved. People are giving there lives to christ more then ever such an amazing thing. I am a very logical thinker and a very smart person with also being strong in my faith. they should call the next species Homo-tolerant which there will be peace and everyone can get along no matter anything color,religion,looks etc. i hope this helps with my opinion!
Isn't it neat how we label ourselves Homo sapiens when most of us don't really know much at all?
Please, don't lump us in them *them.*
Besides, it's not genetics that continues irrational religious belief -- it's ignorance.
There could be no genetic changes whatsoever to humans, yet with sufficient education religious superstition could disappear from our planet. We don't need to evolve, we just need to teach.


In the long scale of things, we are still in the transition from an era when we were unable to accurately figure out nature, so jumping to conclusions was the norm, to an era when we can be more objective and intellectually honest.

One of our strengths is to extrapolate where we have no information i.e. make an educated guess. However, part of that is to presume sentience when there is none e.g. our ancestors would see a volcano and presume it "angry" or "sleepy". That was still useful or them, as they would flee an angry volcano, but it still wasn't accurate. So the incorrectly presumed volcano gods, as well as all sots of other gods, and that legacy is still with us.

We live in a technological age of reason where we are able to explore nature, and also intellectually avoid jumping to conclusions. We can still extrapolate and guess, but we are now honest that that IS just a guess until we can actually get sufficient evidence to tell us for sure.

However, society often lags behind our abilities, and so there is still a strong historical momentum of believing earlier jumped-to conclusions, and simply rejecting better knowledge. Thankfully it's declining, but still has some way to go. Because of social indoctrination it means that most religious parents will indoctrinate their kids, and so it tends to be successive generations of adolescents that don't buy it. In some societies, these unbelievers are now the majority, so religion is in an advanced state of decline. It will happen everywhere eventually.

So it's not any innate nature of our species (e.g. homo sapiens is still homo sapiens), it's just our social / intellectual level at any one time.
"Homo-logical"? So you want logic to supersede the desire to live? No thanks... I believe everyone should get to live and live a happy life if, they want to.