
  1. G

    2 miniature spider species discovered in Giant Panda Sanctuaries of China

    Two new minute spider species have been discovered from the Sichuan and Chongqing, China. The tiny new spiders are both less than 2 mm in length, with*Trogloneta yuensis*being as little as 1.01 mm and Mysmena wawuensis measured to be the even tinier 0.75 mm, which classes it among the smallest...
  2. M

    Discuss the three major species of Staphylococcus. Explain why one of them is more...

    ...pathogenic compared to t? Discuss the three major species of Staphylococcus. Explain why one of them is more pathogenic compared to the other two species. Which factor determines the pathogenesis of the organisms?
  3. B

    in the name Homo hablisis, which is the species?

    I submitted the answers that where giving to me and it's wrong.
  4. J

    How did the introduction or extermination of the species impact society?

    Could someone give me a hint to what these answers could be? thank you! How did the introduction or extermination of the species impact society? What economic impact did the introduction or extermination have? How was the ecosystem affected by the introduction or extermination?
  5. D

    Which sci-fi species would you be?

    Whatever sci-fi you like is fine. I want to hear the most nerdy answer. I like Trekkies the most but I promise I will show no favoritism. And.....NERD!!!
  6. C

    How would we recognize it when and if homo sapiens evolves into a distinct species?

    Let's say an isolated population on an island started to evolve separately from the rest of mankind. At what point and how would we tell when this had become a separate species from the rest of us? Could it be said this has happened already but this issue is too politically charged to allow us...
  7. T

    BPA In Rivers May Encourage Fish Species To Interbreed

    Exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical used in the manufacture of polycarbonate and other plastics, changes the appearance and behavior of river fish enough to encourage inter-species breeding, say the authors of a new study published online this week, that warns of the potential threat to...
  8. T

    Worrying Excessively, Usually Seen As Pathology, May Aid Survival Of The Species

    Worrying may have evolved along with intelligence as a beneficial trait, according to a recent study by scientists at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and other institutions... More...
  9. A

    What is the species time frame of Homo sapiens sapiens?

    I have an assignment where I have been researching from Ardipithecus ramidus onward. I have to determine species time frame, significant first find information, and habitat details for 9 different species. I'm on the last one 'Homo sapiens sapiens' and am having some trouble finding resources...
  10. T

    Is religion the price a species pays when?

    their brains grow too big too fast and they haven't yet evolved the tools (logic) to deal with realizing the inevitability of their own demise?
  11. T

    DNA Barcoding Offers Quick, Cheap, Easy Way To Identify Species, Uncover Frauds

    As DNA "barcoding" technology becomes, quicker, cheaper and easier to develop, it is expanding rapidly into many areas from uncovering frauds such as mislabelled fish and unlisted ingredients in quack herbal medicines, to revealing ancient life-forms frozen in the Arctic permafrost, and...
  12. C

    What does your gut tell you about our near future as a species?

    What can your gut instinct share with us about our near future (1-5 years) as the human species? Is there much change? Is the change fast or slow? Is what your gut telling us more likely to be a positive or negative future? (Seeking anomalies in human instinct)
  13. R

    Did you know that the Origin of Species is nothing more than a sci-fi?

    It's almost as funny as Scientologists taking Battlefield Earth as fact.
  14. M

    Introduced species can reduce the biodiversity of an area because they?

    a. all of the choices are correct b. may have more effective adaptations for the environment than native species do c. don't have natural predators in the new environment d. may be better competitors for resources than native species (No answer)
  15. O

    What happened to the species of animals that are represented in the La Brea Tar Pits?

    clearly they did not evolve into other species, because obviously EVOLUTION IS A THEORY AND HAS NEVER BEEN PROVEN, and let me remind everyone, that THERE ARE STILL MONKEYS.
  16. M

    Can someone list six species that live near Hydrothermal Vents, what they

    eat, where they live, and other? So, the basics are listed up. Here's a more in depth description, which you don't have to follow if you don't want to, but you'll be my hero and I'll love you forever and include you in my will if you do: •At least SIX species of interest in your biome...
  17. O

    is there any evidence of an introduced species program being successful without

    unintended consequences? help
  18. G

    The Influence of Late Quaternary Climate-Change Velocity on Species Endemism

    Rapid climate change can cause species extinction. But if a species is highly mobile or wide-ranging, then that effect may be attenuated. And, more rapid climate change would be more serious a problem than less rapid climate change. Therefore, there should be a relationship between species...
  19. S

    How many fulfilled prophecies are found in The Origin of the SPecies?

    Maybe he should have celled it Origin of the Theory
  20. T

    High-Resolution Comparison Of Methylation 'Bookmarks' Across Species And Individuals

    Scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) and the University of Southern California (USC) have published the first quantitative evidence supporting the notion that the genome-wide "bookmarking" of DNA with methyl molecules - a process called methylation - and the underlying DNA...