Is Judaism a sexist religion?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Before you all jump down my throat let me 'splain.
Jews require that male infants undergo genital mutilation as a covenant with god. It's funny how the boy doesn't consent to this and may end up not even following this religion as an adult, but the choice is made for him. Women on the other hand are protected.
Also the religion is passed down through the mother. So if someone's father is Jewish but the mother is this the child is not. If the mother is Jewish the child can grow up to be a skinhead and a Christian and is still considered a Jew by some Jews. Why are women superior to men in this religion?

Or sexist closeted foreskin hater, I don't know which.
Only within your absurd masculinist worldview. One only has to research Haredi Judaism to understand how ridiculous your claim is (like, for example, the gender segregation on Haredi buses in Israel, where women literally have to sit in the back of the bus).
Judaism is passed through the woman because you KNOW the kid is that woman's son. You don't always necessarily know who the father is.

The circumcision was actually a way to identify yourself as Jewish back in the day. You were a descendant from Abraham if you were circumcised.
Most religions are sexist in some way. Why single out the Jews?

The catholics claim people the same way. My mother was born catholic, is no longer a catholic, but since she bore me I'm still considered a catholic even though I never attended.
All Abrahamic religions are sexist. They all view men as powerful patriarchs and women as weak objects to be traded and controlled.

Go to an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood and tell them that women are superior, see what they say to you. My brother is an EMT in one, did you know that if he comes across a woman who is hurt that she's not allowed to get treatment unless her father or husband comes with her to tell the doctors and medical workers what's wrong with her? She's not allowed to talk to strange men or be with strange men in public.
Well ALL religions are like that believe it or not, but at the time these religions started, it did for some reason, portray men as having more power than woman and woman being less. But times have changed and I can understand why'd you think Judaism is a sexist religion, but it is not. It's a religion really that is followed throughly as has been for the pass thousands of years without any change.