Is it weird to not wait for sex until marriage?

Here...I would surely highly suggest to you: 1st: Put your studies on the top of the list. 2nd: Make college one of your priority in life. Because if you didn't finished college it will be hard to survived in the real world we have right now without a college degree. Reality now a days without a degree holder will have a tough luck looking for a job. 3rd: If ever you graduate from college or university...It will be one of luckiest day...If I were you get a degree in the Medical Field or in Law Enforcement. This will give you an idea on how life is needed in our lives. Make your friends proud of you that you have decided to opt out of having sex before marriage. Having sex can wait till your finished with your studies....Note: Education is best...In this life we have...So...choose wisely..I hope you make wise choice...Your friends or education?
It completely depends on your worldview. If you are religious, then you follow your religions views on sex based on the understanding of the rationale behind those views. If you are atheist, then you should do what you think is best based on knowledge accumulated from people older than you and people who have studied sex.

I still believe in the institution of marriage, and I personally plan on waiting until my wedding night because of both religious conviction, and because I consider myself committed to my wife already, even though we haven't met. Many women my come appearing to be "the one" but the only way to know for sure is if she's wearing a white dress.