Is it weird to not wait for sex until marriage?

Like is this like a real question? Like you know what I like mean?!

Before you even contemplate sex you must learn about how to practice SAFE SEX first.
You say you want to "when you feel ready."

That's where the argument begins. What are the signs you get when you are "ready?"

I say (and you don't have to agree) that the signs for being ready and when you are emotionally and financially ready for mistakes that happen (even with so called protection).

I didn't wait for marriage so you can call me a hypocrite but now that I am older and married and practice what I have heard is called "tough love," I am firm on my belief that you should be very responsible when you decide to.

My college GF, who I lost my virginity to, worked for Planned Parenthood. Believe me when i say this......she was prepared. She brought all all sorts of different protections home to "experiment" on me and I was more than willing to help her "research" each one. We were double protected from causing pregnancy and sometime triple! (How could a woman get pregnant with an IUD, a diaphragm and me using a condom?)
When a person has sex it lets out a bonding chemical (meant for marriage), this chemical seriously does bond two people together. and in a setting outside of marriage it can be hurtful especially if the relationship ends. (which 98% do end after having sex unless you are married).... if you have sex with a boyfriend typically that just opens up your heart for heart break because guys like to chase, and well after sex there is no chase.
if you love someone you do it, if you don't, you just don't! Sex before marriage doesn't mean going with some random guy from high school. I think it's because you're still young and not yet ready for sex that's why you're asking this question.. When you'll love someone you'll understand
Do it when your ready and it feels right. If you have to constantly ask yourself if your ready, maybe you should wait.
You should wait until your married, and some one your age should not be doing that, and no, it is not weird. It is human behavior.
ok im 21 and i lost my virginity when i was was in high skool but not with someone from skool..ok i probably should tell u to wait b/c im older but why lie, theres nothing wrong with sex b4 marriage if ur safe and not foolish...first lesson never listen to ur friends or the guy about sex...ITS UR DECISION....sure u can get ur friends advice but dont let them influence u.....
if your gonna do it in high school just remember no glove... no love.... if not then your good too but I would wait till your completely ready and then go for it you only live once
do what you think is right. do not listen to other people - especially strangers online. just do whatever is in your soul
I think that the choice is completely up to you. I am personally going to wait for marriage just because I want to give myself away to the one I love. When you are ready to give yourself away, make sure it's with someone you really like and one who won't just use you for your body. My advice is just to wait and see and make sure your ready before you do it.
it is never wrong to wait, giving in to just any guy makes you feel= used, humiliated & dirty!
God made you that way for the Special 1 who should honor you all your life
I'm 19 years old and i'm a guy. I know a lot people who has a kid. If your going to have sex with someone make sure you LOVE. Your young who cares if you your friends are going to wait or not wait. My advice is to wait til your married. However, don't regret getting knock up and finding out the guy you love is a total jerk. Just really think about it. Besides theres better guys in college and in high school your stuck with the same exact people for 4 years it's the same sh** and people. Why are you so in a rush for depending on the guy 30 minutes for less of fun and its all gone after that. Just wait. Matter of fact just go with your instinct im not you. Nobody stopping you go with what you think is right. It's not all about the sex trust me. If you do it use safety first a condom no condom no fun
Some people wait and others don't. I would just say do what you want to do and don't be worried about what other people think. I've never been one to follow peer pressure and I make my own decisions and follow them through. It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. You just need to be comfortable with the own decisions you make. That's all that matters!
Wait until you find the right guy and AFTER YOU MARRY HIM. Until after he puts a ring on your finger and says "I do", then you can indulge. Any guy you have sex with is going to be a part of your life for the rest of your life. You bed down with a guy you're not going to marry and years later after you do get married to someone else, that first guy will be right there in that bed with you and your husband. People can say what they want but I personally believe that premarital sex plays a part in so many divorces these days. Marriage was meant to be between man and woman as husband and wife.

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
Hebrews 13:4
it's not exactly weird, but coming from a Christian point of view, this is the one thing that i say i'm very religious about. Sex is a very physical act between two people. Either it can turn out good or it can turn out bad. The experience depends on the intentions of both people. If both people just wanna have fun and know they won't be together for too long, then they can both easily get into it without any trouble. However if one of the person is seeking to maintain the relationship possibly through marriage or through long term, then i would suggest waiting till marriage unless you want to risk getting dumped and hurt emotionally by someone who didn't feel the same way. Saving sex for marriage eliminates complications and problems. There's less drama.
nope, im defo waiting for marriage. i wouldn't want my first time to be with anyone other than the person i love, and that would be my husband.
I think you will save yourself much heart ache and trouble if you hold back sex until you are absolutely sure of the other persons love and affection. However, picturing your self marrying someone is not the same as being married and do not deceive yourself that it is. Playing house is not the level of commitment marriage is and never will be.
Yeah, thats fine for you to want to have sex with someone before marriage.
answer mine pleaseeee.;_ylt=Aq1xejWRRMU_Dlg5EimE7Lnty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111113110718AAxd94t