Is it okay to let my bunny run around at...?


Jul 5, 2008
Is it okay if I have a set up for my bunny, with his cage open, to have him out of his cage all night because i need to get a new cage for my bunny, and the one he is in now is very small, he seems really happy out of his cage in my room too. I have no other pets sleeping in my room atm. BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS ! :D
Absolutely! Bunnies LOVE to free range around rooms, as long as their cages are left open so they can jump back in to go toilet. Our bunnies live free range at home, we never lock them up in their cages. The only thing you have to remember is to be careful where you put your feet, bunnies are fast and can get under your feet quickly... Also bunny proof the room as best you can, hide all electrical wires etc so he cant chew them. But its great to hear that you are letting him out! He must be such a happy bunny :D
He should be fine, i let my budgiee out at night to do what he wants, just make sure there is no dangerous objects around.
In your bedroom... I suppose if he can't get out. Make sure there's nothing dangerous for him to chew, but I just don't think it's such a great idea.
Yes you can. I actually trained mine so he sleeps on the sofa. He uses his cage for the bathroom and everything. Just be very careful of electrical wires and papers close to the floor, they love to munch on wires n paper.