I'm deciding between Commando Krav Maga, Jeet Kune Do, Karate or Japanese


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
Kickboxing.? Which one can I effectively use on the street and if I were drafted into a war I could use against a huge enemy troop. I'm 5'9 155 pounds 24 years old. Which one suits me better? I only have a few months of boxing under my belt.
Um...in war, you would use your rifle against enemy troops. Never would you use hand to hand combat against a "huge enemy troop".

Go with Krav. It is practical, simple, and effective.

And Karate is essentially a waste of time, for self defense and practical application.
Japanese kickboxing???lol...Krav Maga will be the best for practical purposes to be learned quickly. If u have more time, go with Jeet Kune Do from a reputable teacher...check the "Inside Kung Fu" magazine directory, and read Bruce Lee's Tao of Jeet Kune Do for the basics and what ur looking for in a school/teacher. Don't go with a school that places tons of emphasis on their belt system as they're USuaLLy only interested in ur money: ie : u see little fat kids running around with black belts (its more common than u may think). My personal opinion on karate isn't nice, so don't ask...lol...suffice to say it belongs in the "traditional" martial art category. Krav and Jeet are in the "practical" category and kickboxing is in the "sport" domain. There's quite a few more options than Krav Maga or Jeet Kune Do in the "practical" arena so keep an open mind.There's a system developed by Frank Cucci which supposedly was taught to Seal Team members that's pretty sound and easy to grasp.You also have the Kelsi method which some military branches use, Jim Wagner also has a good system,along with Ops Gear so check em out online at youtube and see what fits you. Remember simple guidelines like NOT kicking above the waist line...its a "waist" of energy and balance and very ineffective and inpractical along with stupid techniques like chambering your hands at your hip...not practical so avoid styles like taekwondo if u want to survive a fight.Oh yeah,and don't forget, choose a system with solid groundwork as MOST fights end up on the ground.
Krav Maga is used to kill. Most techniques you learn in Krav Maga are designed to take out your enemy asap. It is the most lethal so i would say it has the best street usage.