Why do martial arts fail to produce the ultimate street fighter?


New member
Nov 20, 2010
I've noticed Kenpo is horrible for self defense. The forms might be useful. But, sparring is only for the tournament. Kenpo practitions don't use practice full force on pads while attacks are thrown at them. The forms a lone don't provide enough muscle memory. Something has to be hit to provide experience for fighter. Preferably a pad of some kind. Also kicks are not done to the back of the legs during sparring. Kicks are only to the head. While sparring people only stay in a side stands. This sucks. I don't know what martial art I can try that provides good self-defense.
Krav Maga seems to suck. In practice, you're not hitting pads during combinations with a partner throwing controlled attacks. You do learn combinations, but they're all done with your palms facing in. You just seem to go at it aimlessly while sparring. If they do have practice people seem to go wild, so you can't really learn anything. There are no take downs. I've got to level 3, pretty much finished all my unarmed combat training, and i'm not satisfied with what i have. We do have hitting the pads while the other person throws controlled attacks which are block. But, the other person throws attacks that are appropriate for sparring but not for one on one practice(non sparring).
I've tried Taekwondo. This martial art would have to suck the most. It greatly lacks punching. Even ITF taekwondo seems to lack punching. It has it but the instructors don't enough of it to their students. It's pretty useless when you have to fight in close range. Lacks ground.
I can't really form an opinion of Kung Fu since i haven't tried it yet.
All of these i've mentioned really lack adequate ground.
I don't really like boxing, muay thai because they're sports and have rules on what not to hit. But, I've seen a lot of fighters win on the street using it. Check out:
Karate can be good:
But, it lacks real sparring applicable for the street. Of course there it should be controlled so it's should be 90 something percent accurate. Again more partnering up should be done with the forms.

I think Jui Jitsu is a good aspect of fighting because ground is very important in a fight. Notice how is say aspect. It lacks striking, but it's okay if you're just trying to improve your ground. I don't agree with no striking to the head.
Unless it's sparring I don't believe the person holding the pads should be too aggressive. I do believe the person holding the pads should attack first so the person being trained should counter. But, I absolutely hate it when the other person holding the pads goes extremely hard and strikes the person being trained. It hurts muscle memory. The point is to learn how to counter. Unfortunately Krav believes that brutal in hitting the pads = better. I've seen people in Krav not learn as much as they needed from hitting the pads when they spar. Not enough is done, so you don't have actual skill when people spar in Krav. I do believe aggression on both sides should be done with sparring. Also my Krav place lacks basic discipline among students. Students seem not to listen to the instructor and not do what they're told. Also a lot of smaller students don't seem to have any chance against larger students. The larger the student usually dominates the smaller student 97% of the time in sparring. A lot of the smaller student don't land their shots in. Again this shows that not enough defend, counter attack is done. If this is the best fighting system in the world, MARTIAL ARTS SUCK!!!!!!!!!! Krav tends also to lack posture, balance. But Krav is much better than TAEKWONDO WHICH SUCKS THE MOST OUT OF ALL MARTIAL ARTS.
Judo is a sport. Again it focuses more on throws, and less on the ground fighting. Jui Jitsu is much better for this, but lacks striking, multiple opponents.
If I make any suggestions to martial arts instructor to improve, they're always say "We've been doing this for a long time.
Gear should be made to suit more realistic drills.
Practice on vital areas could be made if there were right gear.
I think mixed boxing and juijitsu might be the best aspect of fighting. But, they would be better combined into one martial arts. The Greeks did this. It would be better to use gear so you can hit vital areas. Maybe a kneck protector could be made and a protector for the back of the legs could be made.
I don't believe shots to the kneck are that important. Although I believe they should be learned. The kneck is harder to hit because lots of good fighters tuck their chin down. Pounding someone could also cause death. Hit them over and over again with kicks and punches will cause death. Jui Jitsu might be a sport but it's good for no submissions on the street.