If your parents smoke and you move out to a smoke free house, would you notice...


May 15, 2008
...symptoms of nicotine withdraw? I don't smoke myself, but my parents do. I just moved a few weeks ago to a house with someone else who doesn't smoke. I've noticed I've been particularly angry for no reason and there's odd feelings in my chest. Is this common when quitting smoking?
Your parents would have to smoke a LOT for you to have any kind of withdrawal symptoms. You can forget about any of the anti-smoking trash you see on TV. Their "studies" were usually never performed, or they balls-out lied about the results.

For you to have consumed enough nicotine to have withdrawal your parents would have to be chain smokers in a small room with closed windows.

There's a higher likelihood that what you're experiencing is stress/anxiety from moving out of your parent's house. Could be related to 1000 different things.