If you were going to argue with a patriotic German fascist how would you go about it?


Jul 8, 2008
look Hitler staged the fire at the Riechstag --- in order to use it to gain wide and sweeping powers and fear monger the public into beliving that Poland was massing at the border about to attack

The Polish showed up with horses to your tanks You are the aggressor not the defender in this PREEMPTIVE war

Yes yes I know they told you the prisoners in the camps were learning a trade and playing musical instruments but it just isn't true

Yes your government is spreading counterfeit currency to other nations to undermine its economy despite all your beliefs in their noble high morals and honest intentions they keep telling you they have

The wars were based on lies the camps are not humane the media is completely controlled and propaganda is everywhere they are lying to you left and right


You know he isn't going to believe a thing --

So -- How would you go about arguing with the I love the Fatherland we have enemies everywhere the camps are humane fascist ?

Decades later some of them still don't believe their government officials were as bad as history paints them Is arguing with a brain washed man from this era or any other even possible when facts can be dismissed truth trampled and propaganda championed over observable reality ?

You do know if you go west on the Pacific you will hit Japan and China -- and if you continue in the same direction of west you hit Russia and then Europe only to end up on the east coast of N America ..... It is a round globe and I thought I would just like to take the time to point that out

India is west of California