
  1. C

    Would u dedicate a song to those who dislike our totalitarian fascist

    organization & pointless off topic rants? Fcuk You ~ Lily Allen http://youtube.com/watch?gl=US&hl=en&client=mv-rim&v=o8VZX4sHn-4
  2. F

    Why does FOX rant about Union monies being used to BEAT fascist issue 2 in Ohio,

    but don't mention the? millions the KOCH Brothers are contributing to KEEP ISSUE 2 going. FOX IS NOT FAIR OR BALANCED and cops are not idiots.
  3. P

    As a fascist cop rings the cranial bell of a working class activist does a US

    richclass bankster get his wings? “Anti-Wall Street demonstrators marched against New York police on Tuesday, accusing… officers of excessive force when carrying out arrests during a month-long protest campaign against economic inequality.”...
  4. T

    If you were going to argue with a patriotic German fascist how would you go about it?

    look Hitler staged the fire at the Riechstag --- in order to use it to gain wide and sweeping powers and fear monger the public into beliving that Poland was massing at the border about to attack The Polish showed up with horses to your tanks You are the aggressor not the defender in this...
  5. G

    Die you obsolete nogood socially maladjusted celibate commie fascist dork!

    ... obviously, we're talking about emacs ... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  6. A

    Joke: Whats the difference between a progressive and a fascist?

    Whoever gives the funniest answer gets the points.
  7. S

    What religion were the Fascist mass-murderers Hitler, Franco, Mussolini,

    Pinochet, Antonescu, and Jozef Tiso? I just wanted to note that more than 100 million people died at the hands of these extremists! (Please STAR this question!)